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Riga and the Expansion Draft


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Most would think that the back-to-back best team in the league, the Riga Reign, would be hit pretty hard by the expansion draft. I'm going to take a quick look at their potential protection list and see if that's the case.


We would imagine that Preencarnacion, Twinger, Cast, Kastelic, and Glade are the easy options to protect, which means they slot in to our first 5 protection slots. Amongst them, we get a full unit of 3 F and 2 D alongside the GM player G, Kriketers, so the last two slots can be filled with little to no regard for positional bias. Who's going to take those last two slots? Defending playoff MVP Ryuu Crimson is the next up TPE-wise, and after his S63 playoff performance, it would be difficult to see Riga expose him to the expansion draft. That leaves us with Rylan Peace and Mikka Pajari at 463 and 440 TPE, respectively. Which of them is suitable to take the final spot? Pajari was drafted two seasons earlier but has less TPE, which means he's been earning at a far slower pace than Peace. This may make it seem like an easy choice to protect Peace with that final protection slot. However, if Peace keeps earning at this pace, he might price himself or another one of their stars out of Riga within the next few seasons while Pajari is signed on long term at a respectable $1.5m. 


No matter which direction Riga chooses to go, they'll be in a position to compete for many seasons to come, regardless of the impact of the expansion draft.


269 words

Edited by Enorama
Misspelled my own damn name the first time around
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2 minutes ago, Enorama said:

Most would think that the back-to-back best team in the league, the Riga Reign, would be hit pretty hard by the expansion draft. I'm going to take a quick look at their potential protection list and see if that's the case.


We would imagine that Preencarnacion, Twinger, Cast, Castelic, and Glade are the easy options to protect, which means they slot in to our first 5 protection slots. Amongst them, we get a full unit of 3 F and 2 D alongside the GM player G, Kriketers, so the last two slots can be filled with little to no regard for positional bias. Who's going to take those last two slots? Defending playoff MVP Ryuu Crimson is the next up TPE-wise, and after his S63 playoff performance, it would be difficult to see Riga expose him to the expansion draft. That leaves us with Rylan Peace and Mikka Pajari at 463 and 440 TPE, respectively. Which of them is suitable to take the final spot? Pajari was drafted two seasons earlier but has less TPE, which means he's been earning at a far slower pace than Peace. This may make it seem like an easy choice to protect Peace with that final protection slot. However, if Peace keeps earning at this pace, he might price himself or another one of their stars out of Riga within the next few seasons while Pajari is signed on long term at a respectable $1.5m. 


No matter which direction Riga chooses to go, they'll be in a position to compete for many seasons to come, regardless of the impact of the expansion draft.


269 words


To be honest I've been assuming I'm the one going in the expansion draft since it was announced. 

It's simply the best decision from my perspective, and exactly what I'd do if I was Riga's GM; you're absolutely right, staying in Riga will put them further into CAP hell because I'm a TPE capped earner every week. Pricing myself out isn't a term I've heard before, but it's one of those hard truths. As I continue to gain TPE I'm climbing up the minimum salary for those salary brackets, and while I do have one more season (at the minimum) so does everyone else on Riga's roster.


Choosing Pajari is a long term solution while protecting my own player is only a temporary boost.

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3 hours ago, Peace said:

staying in Riga will put them further into CAP hell because I'm a TPE capped earner every week


Not for the next season though. Actually it would be Pajari with the bigger salary since he's not a rookie. In S66 yes, you'll get more as he regresses and you're out of a rookie contract. 


Pajari's biggest plus is he's a centre. But your player is younger which is better for cap now. 


I already posted my intial plan on our dcord channel, but I won't rush with my decision. We didn't even finish a regular season so let's just wait and have fun in remaining games.

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50 minutes ago, hedgehog337 said:


Not for the next season though. Actually it would be Pajari with the bigger salary since he's not a rookie. In S66 yes, you'll get more as he regresses and you're out of a rookie contract. 


Pajari's biggest plus is he's a centre. But your player is younger which is better for cap now. 


I already posted my intial plan on our dcord channel, but I won't rush with my decision. We didn't even finish a regular season so let's just wait and have fun in remaining games.


I’m not stressing about it.


If you’re looking for now, then keeping Peace is beneficial, but only for next season. However if you’re looking into the future beyond S66, Pajari makes more sense to me - take a TPE hit but ultimately keep a consistent player on the roster signed long term. That’s just my perspective, so I’m just debating it with friendly intent. 


Pajari will bump up to 2m across the board when he gains TPE since he’s signed long term. Seems reasonable, that’s all.

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