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Aleksander Rodriguez Rookie Profile [1/2]


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Aleksander Rodriguez | Ottawa Lynx


Name: Aleksander Rodriguez 

Position: LW

Born: September 12, 2002

Birthplace: New York , USA

Nationality: American

Jersey Number: #12

Height: 6'5
Weight: 205lbs

Handiness: Lefty

Motto: Just skate, I will found you.



A great passer who always finds a way to change the pace of the game and set up the offense with his great IQ hockey skills and incredible vision of the game. Has decent deking skills and skating but weak shooting skills. Need to work on Stamina and Strength. Hot headed sometimes but is driven to win with any means neccesary.



Playing Style

A Tall LW player that loves to pass the puck and create plays for his teammates and a speedy skater for his height. (Basically a Fast Pure Playmaker Winger)




Speed (Skating) - Rodriguez is an unbelievable skater, When he was in high school in Brooklyn, New York. Many NY scouts have said he is one of the fastest players in the USA and many of his players also praised his speed saying he was the fastest player of the country.  Rodriguez is also regarded as a very smooth skater.  Although he is a great skater he can sometimes hold the puck too long causing minor turnovers.  As time goes by Rodriguez can improve his potential and increase his skating skills and his speed.  


Defense - Although he has great size his defense is a big part of his game and is never a liability on defense but he can improve and become even better overtime because his hockey coach was never a defensive coach and was mainly an offensive coach.  That's why Rodriguez mainly excelleled on offense and was a very good offensive player.  Rodriguez can still be a great defender in the league for a winger.


Passing - Raphael Nazarians is again a incredible offensive and he can also increase his passing ability.  The USA National Team was also an incredible powerhouse team and needed Rodriguez as a passer for the team. Ending beautiful finishes with incredible passing.  Many of his teammates also said he can definitely improve more and become a passing savant, this is how he got his amazing hockey IQ and world class passing ability and vision. He has a good mind for the game and a very high IQ and always knows where the puck is and where it's going to be at. 





Scoring - Raphael is not an incredible scorer because of his low scoring ability and that makes him dependant to play with scorers instead.  Many of his former teammates loved playing with him since he would always be a reliable passer for them.


Size / Physically - Raphael Nazarians is also an incredible athlete that is large in size.  Raphael Nazarians is 6'5 and 200 increible height. But, his strength and stamina are pretty low for a forward like him. He needs to work on it during his career if he wants to be efficient and constant.



Mental - Raphael is definity a great player but he has some mental issues, he is very confident but he can also be very down on himself and say he's a terrible player when his teammates are in a drought.  He lacks confidence due to his earlier ages when many people would call him a loser and a nobody that couldn’t  accomplish anything. But he is always driving to win and hot headed during games.


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Review: Enjoyed the fact that you had a short overall description of Aleksander and a playing style section to really put me into the role of someone looking for a player to fit my team. The description is a short and strong precursor to what you explain later on in further detail but I really enjoyed the playing style because it allows me to think of how he would fit in a system. I understand the Metal downside of this kind of player. someone who has great IQ and passing but when in droughts can struggle really makes him a real person rather than a glorified wish fulfillment.  

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