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1# Fitting in (John Frostbeard and Philadelphia Reapers) [1/2]


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John Frostbeard and Philadelphia Reapers

1# Fitting in

Ladies and gentlemen, this is John’s experience of VHLM and how easy it is to fit in an Expansion team. As we all already know, for S65 there are 2 new teams joining VHLM – Philadelphia Reapers and Houston Bulls, so showing how to try fit in something that building up right there and now is important as a lot of young guns will be in the same situation in future.


Would like to point out, that coming across Atlantic and jumping in something you haven’t experienced previously is on one side exciting and on the other terrifying too. Coming over to a city like Philadelphia can be a struggle on its own, but for a guy, who is not so strong in other languages that Latvian can really be stressful.


My first suggestion to anyone here, who is facing similar situation is to BE INVOLVED. Don’t sit back and hope for the best, talk to people, enjoy your time – if you have questions – ask them and try not to be super shy as you will face not only lots of media attention in future years, but you will find yourself as an outsider in this league. It is fine, if you can cope with that for many seasons, but, the best option is to allow your GM, your team leaders to be there for you and help you.


Second suggestion comes with a bit of backstory. When it comes down to coming here to VHL and VHLM, people might have told you how everything is and how everything works from their own experience, but that can be misleading, try to figure out what you really want to achieve with your career – do you want to be a solid role player that “gets the job done” or you want to be future HoF Superstar. This can be taken to Frostbeard’s experience, when he was deciding what league might be the best for him – one of his childhood friends was pushing an idea that he has to go to VHL and VHLM as there is no other option, he was told that this league will instantly make you a superstar that will be known everywhere, but in reality – you have to figure out your path to greatness yourself and even though, some experienced teammates can help you along the way – it is your path and yours alone.


Third suggestion is quite simple – follow your gut. If you feel you are doing something right – DO IT! Just enjoy your career as it doesn’t last forever and remember that even though this is your job, this is a game you can enjoy too!


Personally, as a foreigner here is Philadelphia, I would personally like to thank my super amazing GM BladeMaiden, she has helped me so much with providing courage and being there for everyone! And to all amazing and supportive teammates and team personnel.


John wishes everyone the best of time this season and hopefully we all can enjoy our time on ice against each other! Good luck and I hope you will not have to play against Reapers!

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I liked the way you interwined your own 'experiences' with your suggestions. Your Be Involved suggestion was definitely the best of the three, but all three were good tips for new players. Your tip about figuring out your own path to greatness was also great. Very well put, and well written media spot. BladeMaiden is a good GM as well (even though they didn't pick me for AGM). Good luck in the VHLM for this year and I hope to see you in the VHL down the road

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