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VHL Chronicles| Part 2: Rise of Mother Russia


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Weekly installments to the VHL Chronicles will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. Based off of Bleacher Reports "Game of Zones"


*Note: This takes place before the Matt Thompson and Sebastian Ironside signings*



Winter is upon thee. Heavy snowfall covers the Russian lands. King Victor sits upon his throne, awaiting his fellow GMs sacrifices. His jester, covered in red and yellow with little bells, runs up to the King. “My lord Victor!” he says, while bowing down. “We have received your first sacrifice.”

“And who is it”

“New York. They sacrificed the likes of Ryan Zabby,-“

“Take him! He fits us well”

“Don’t you want the other names?” His jester asked.

“No! Bring me Zabby. I want him.” Victor had made his command. The jester scurried off to alert Zabby. Victor had seven more sacrifices to select. His jester, who had just left, ran back down the room. “My lord, I have news!”

“What is it, jester?”

“Ryan Zabby of New York has announced his retirement!” Silence fell over the room.

“Who else has New York sacrificed”

“You can’t take anyone else-“ “WHAT” Victor shouted. He slammed his fist against his throne, and the room seemed to shake. The jester winced. “How dare he, that vermin. Send a squad after Ryan Zabby!”

“But, My lord-“ “ENOUGH! I give orders, I expect them to be done!” As the jester scurried off, Victor was fuming. “How dare a peasant such as Ryan Zabby defy me like this!” His guards stood motionless. The jester ran back into the room. “My lord! We have another sacrifice.” “And who is it?”

“Mark Gebauer, from the Alberta city of Calgary”

Take him. Quickly, before he retires too.

The jester, again, scurried away. Victor sat in his throne, waiting for more sacrifices. The newest king of a VHL franchise gave him a tremendous feeling of power. The entire VHL world, in the palm of his hands. With the snap of his fingers, a VHL player would be sacrificed, and now a member of mother Russia.

Three days later...

Victor makes his way to the bottom of Mount Contender. He isn’t alone, or a part of HC Davos anymore. He has a Russian army, led by Mark Gebauer, who will fight for him. It is just the beginning of Moscow’s great reign amongst the top of the VHL.




Edited by Matt_O
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