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Profile: Finn Theismann [1/2]

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Name: Finn Theismann

Age: 21

Height: 6' 9"

Weight: 220 lbs

Birthplace: Cologne, Germany


Finn Theismann, a hefty defenseman from Cologne, hopes to make an impact in the VHL and VHLM at his slightly "old" age for being a rookie. Theismann looks to make himself a threat on any defensive pairing in the league, with an incredibly efficient skating ability and a lethal slap shot. Scouts from Germany have uncovered the following attributes about the German defenseman:


"I haven't seen a defenseman move the puck that smoothly since Lidstrom retired." - Alex Zajac, VHL Scout
Theismann, for his size, is one of the smoothest skaters anyone has ever seen come out of the German youth leagues. No matter which situation he's thrust in to, no matter the score, no matter who's in front of him, Finn will find some sort of way to glide through anyone with ease. His secret? He lets his momentum carry him most of the way through, and only strides when necessary.

Fun fact: while writing this report during a practice session, Finn's slap shot cracked a piece of the glass right above the goal he was shooting on. Finn says that one of the main parts of his success have come from his shot. "Although the wrist shot isn't up to par with the slap shot, my shooting has been one of the main focal points of my game. Without it, I don't know if I'd be in this position and given the opportunity to be picked up by a VHL or VHLM team."


Puck Handling:
The bread to his skating butter, Finn's puck handling is another big reason why his defensive game looks so effortless. Even though he can't pull off the ridiculous dangles you see forwards do from time to time, he is still able to make the necessary moves to get himself out of a tough spot. 


Of course, everything about Theismann's game isn't the greatest. Scouts have noted a few weaknesses about his game:


You would think a man of his size would be there to stand up for his teammates whenever he feels they've been fouled, correct? Wrong. Although Finn will step in to protect any of his teammates, he won't be the first man in ready to chuck knuckles. "I'm terrified of fighting," he opened up in a scouting interview. "Yes, fighting is an integral part of hockey, but I don't want to risk suffering any long-term injuries when attempting to fight someone, bigger or smaller than me."


Scouts notice that Finn holds up when going to check someone, and doesn't really hit them with all of his body weight. "It's just like the physical aspect of my game, I don't want to possibly break myself throwing a stupid check." He quotes Adam McQuaid throwing himself into the boards in the 2011 Eastern Conference Quarterfinals as the reason he fears throwing huge body checks around.


While his puck handling and skating skills make up for this, Theismann tends to take incredibly stupid penalties at the worst times. He claims that he is working to remedy this situation, however. Thankfully for most teams, Finn won't be flying off the handle and completely melting down when taking too many penalties.
(552 words)

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General criticism, this could use some headers. It's formatted well enough that plain text can work, but you should really make the sections pop out.


On 3/10/2019 at 6:15 PM, StaticShocked said:

a hefty defenseman from Cologne,


Chonk! Although at 6'9 220 he'd be pretty lean! Chara weighs ~255 at 6'9 and isn't all that chunky.


On 3/10/2019 at 6:15 PM, StaticShocked said:

"I haven't seen a defenseman move the puck that smoothly since Lidstrom retired." - Alex Zajac, VHL Scout


This is a fantastic little detail, both in content and attribution.


On 3/10/2019 at 6:15 PM, StaticShocked said:

he won't be the first man in ready to chuck knuckles.

Image result for ugandan knuckles


Overall great job. I see why people have marked is as highly as they have!

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