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San Diego Making Splashes

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San Diego has been relatively quiet this season, the odd-time they'll sign a new player to the team, but other than that they've silently been waiting for the right moments to strike and make some big moves this season, and with the deadline looming, they did just that. In total so far, they've made two big trades to hopefully add to the depth of their team and also add to the skill-power, and we're going to break them down: 



W - Lexington Lewis

S67 3rd Rounder

S67 8th Rounder



C - Balls McZehrl 


So with the first deal, they instantly gain a promising C with a lot of upside. His rights are theirs regardless if the player remains active or not so this deal could be huge for them even moving into next season to gain another asset. For now, it improves their third and fourth line respectively as they now have a good C who can win draws and make a name for himself, all while giving up some later picks and an unfortunate inactive piece in the process. 



C - Scotty BigShotty

S67 2nd Rounder

S67 4th Rounder (Ottawa)



C - Rhys Chism


Without speaking too much on the situation, Chism wanted out of Philly, and San Diego wanted him, it made perfect sense to pair these two teams together to make a deal as San Diego was willing to move some pieces to get him. In the end, a heartbreaking move to have to give up BigShotty who their GM is quite fond of, but improving their centers once again adding a capped C is not an easy feat and should give them some leverage moving forward. 

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