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San Diego Marlins. A sit down with the GM's. [1/2]


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San Diego Gazette

Pg. 32 Sports.

San Diego Marlins, a sit down with the GM's. 

By Jacob Leason


As the season fast approaches, times and rosters have changed. It's a new season of life in San Diego. Time for some new heroes. We've had a chance to sit down and talk to the master-builder themselves, general manager Zach Gagnon and assistant general manager Mexican Cow. 



Jacob: Welcome gentlemen! How's it going today? 

MC: I'm going really great! Really excited for this upcoming season!

ZG: Today is a great day, every day is, can't go into things with a negative mindset, that is where things get dangerous haha. Being positive is the way to go. 


Jacob: Great! I'm ecstatic to hear you're both doing so well. We cannot wait until puck drop. With the season fast approaching what are a few things that you're anticipating this season? 

MC: Well, I'm anticipating that my team will come out strong. I'm expecting everyone to work hard, battle for the puck and get in those dirty areas. 

ZG: Honestly, my anticipation and expectations are all over the place. There is always this "golden window" you want your team to be in but you just never know. I know I'm building from the ground up, but I am just hoping we can succeed enough to have fun! 


Jacob: That's fantastic, seems like a lot of exhausting work. I seemed like there was a lot of turnover on the roster this off season. What sort of positives are you hoping to take out of that? 

MC: Yes, the roster changed dramatically. With the change I hope we can all gel well, being new to the league and we can learn to teach each other.

ZG: Yeah, we lost about 99% of our roster this year, whether to people leaving for the draft or leaving to go to their pro teams, we did lose just about everyone, but honestly that's kind of the fun of it. Now I have a whole new crop of players I've never coached before, eager and ready to get things going just like me, that's the positive I take from this job, is getting that kind of experience to be the first "stop" on players careers, and its exciting.


Jacob: Love it. Is there anyone on the roster that stands out to you in particular? 

MC: One guy that really surprised me is Ryan Busser. This guy is a TPE machine. Always trying to get the most TPE he can. He's a great leader and loves to teach others.

ZG: Honestly we've had a whole crew of guys come together and really show us their a-game, I've been impressed with pretty much everyone on the team without a doubt, just coming together, helping one another, being so chatty and active, that's all I ever want from my team, and I'm getting all of it.


Jacob: Sounds like exciting times in San Diego! With all of these young men coming into the line-up, do you have any particular goals for this team? 

MC: My goal for the team is to go out there and play our best hockey. I'm not expecting to make the finals or anything. I just want the team working hard.

ZG: Outside of having fun, I just want the guys to enjoy the season and achieve all of their individual goals. I know it may not be the most satisfying thing in the world as we're fairly behind some of the "superior" teams but we'll enjoy the season in other ways and grow together. 


Jacob: Has there been any changes to coaching staff? 

MC: No new changes, Zach is still my boss. 

ZG: No sir, I am the original general manager of the team and MexicanCow is the original AGM of the team, we've been here since last season when the team was introduced through expansion and I do not plan on going anywhere, anytime soon. 


Jacob: What sort of style of play are you hoping to see out on the ice? 

MC: I want this team to play with speed. We don't really need anyone like ACL TEAR who will just go out there and kill people. I don't think every team needs a guy like that. So, I want my guys to be sneaky and use their skills.

ZG:We have a big mix of players, some who can score, pass, throw the body, play good defense and so on, I think it's going to be a lot of mixture, and I may have to switch up the lines here and there to find the perfect combo.


Jacob: This sounds fantastic guys. Can we get a bold prediction for the season? 

MC: The perfect outcome would be everyone on the team becomes a TPE machine and we make the finals. Simple as that.

ZG: I'd say as a bold prediction, we finish TOP FIVE.


Jacob: That's all the time we have gentlemen. Thank you for your time, it's always a pleasure seeing you. All the Marlins fans certainly cannot wait to get the season underway. 

MC: Thanks so much for your time! It was a pleasure seeing you, hope we can get together soon.

ZG: I just want to thank you for asking me these questions, it's been fun answering them and lets get this show on the road!


So much optimism, hope and anticipation hanging on this team's shoulders. It is safe to say everyone is invested into this team and the success of it. We all know it's a process, but with how strongly motivated the staff and players are, this team won't let any other team take a night off. Don't count the Marlins out. Their new heroes have come to town.


Edited by Jaku
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