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Jagr and the Wolves

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The Vancouver Wolves are in 2nd place in the North American Conference Standings which seems to be a lot higher than I thought they'd be in. The Wranglers though are right on their tail though as they are both tied for 2nd with 37 points. The Seattle Bears are also in the race with 33 points and the New York Americans with 30 points, however, the Americans just started selling off their players for future assets. I wouldn't say it's safe to say the Wolves are in the playoffs but it's getting there with the Americans falling out the race.


Shawnomir Jagr just broke the 10 point mark which I am excited about because he did it in 34 games when I'm pretty sure last season it took him until the 50th or 55th game. I also learned that Experience helps a whole bunch in scoring which also reminded me to add my 8 experience points from last season. So hopefully this all helps him breakout for the next half of the season and beyond. Jagr has scored 5 goals and assisted on 5 goals for 10 points on the season. This puts him on pace for 21 points which is not that good but better than the 16 he put up last season.


Overall, I am disappointed because of all the work I put into Jagr, but it goes to show how far the VHL has come because in the old VHL, Jagr would be dominating but since the VHL has grown it is a lot harder to put up dominating stats as a rookie it seems. It's a brave new world out there.

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