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3 Questions With Hugh Chan, Captain of The Minnesota Storm


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Minnesota Sports Column


3 Questions with Minnesota Storm Captain, Defenseman Hugh Chan


Q. With the season at the halfway point, what are your thoughts on your team's record thus far?


H. I am happy with our results, we started the season as the team to beat and although the other top teams have figured us out I still believe that we are still one of the favorites to win the cup.

We have improved our forward depth which was one of the weak points at the beginning of the season which will be even better come playoff time.


Q. How have you enjoyed the State of Minnesota since moving here from Halifax?


H. I love Minnesota it truly is the hockey state, the fans are amazing here and have been great to me since coming from the Halifax 21st. The only thing I would change about Minnesota is the weather, it was definitely a shock to me as I grew up in Hong Kong, China where the weather is the complete opposite.


Q. Going forward what can the fans of the Minnesota Storm look forward to to finish the season?


H. The team is constantly looking to improve will play their best hockey in order to ensure a good playoff seeding. The fans can look forward to our continued success and compete level day in and out. We are thankful to the fans for their continued support and look forward to a great rest of the season, we are hopeful in bringing the Founder's Cup to Minnesota!



Edited by HughJas_
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