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Pajari Announces Plans for Pre-Season Retirement


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In a few short weeks the VHL will be nearly finished it's off-season festivities and the VHL Pre-Season (that often rarely has games) will commence. For most the pre-season is just a joke, a bunch of games that sometimes don't even get simmed. But for me, and specifically Mikka Pajari, it'll be a time to finally announce that S68 will be his final season. Realistically though the reason we mark pre-season is because members are eligible to retire at that point, while still having their player play out their final season.


Most members laugh at pre-season retirements because why would you not retire at the deadline to maximize your potential TPE output? The answer to that, waiting another full season to get to the VHL. Retiring in the deadline of S68 would make you a S70 draftee. Retiring in the pre-season, a S69. And while I'm certain I'd earn more TPE retiring at the deadline, I'd much rather get the head start on my next player. 


Which is why I'm happy to report that in a few short weeks my next player will be entering the overly stacked S69 draft. I'll be happy to likely fall out of the first round, again, and I think that opens up the litany of possibilities of which team might draft me. Considering that people can see the plans for a GM to take over down the road, and that JB Rift will likely be my last GM player, perhaps they will also see that when Rift retires all my simming TPE and focus will go entirely on my next player. A player, who, despite my best efforts will be another shot at me trying to do the one thing that consistently eludes me. Make someone who isn't a goalie who isn't a scrub. Will I ever be able to do it? Maybe, but let's be realistic...probably not. If all I needed to do was trade draft picks to make the HoF I'd be in there three times over, but that isn't really a saving grace now is it? 

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