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The best fighters of the S60’s


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Hockey fights are fun. Let’s talk about who is the best. There are a couple of ways to look at this, depending on your flavour.


1) the best fighter is the one who wouldn’t back down (the one who fought the most)

2) the best fighter is the one who picked his fights wisely (the one who won the highest percentage)

3) the best fighter is one who could not lose (most wins without a loss)

4) the best fighter is the one who made it his craft (most TPE invested into FG)


Fights are scored in SHTS as won, lost, or tied. If we call a tie a 0.5 win, we can figure out who the best are according to each criteria.


Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette played from S60 to S66 for Quebec and Toronto. The defencemen partook in 44 fights over that time: 16 won, 10 lost, and 18 ties. Don’t let his losses fool you, the next highest skater only fought 31 times, so Luc-Pierre definitely deserves his dues.


Hulk Hogan takes the honour of having the highest Fight Win percentage of those with at least 10 fights. His 5 wins, 1 loss, and 9 ties in just two seasons give him a win percentage of 63%. This may not seem high, but it stands above the rest which makes him one of the best.


That one loss may haunt Hogan forever but no such thing for ACL TEAR. With 7 wins, 2 ties and 0 losses, ACL tear just narrowly missed my completely arbitrary min 10 fights needed threshold above. What he’s achieved is impressive, but what's less impressive is his re-roll of TPE away from FG. He really could have been something special but for some reason he mistakenly must have thought Goals > Fights.


Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette takes the cake for most invested in FG (averaged across an entire career) with 85 TPE. He started out with 80 in his rookie season and reached as high as 90 before depreciation knocked him down. That's dedication to the craft.


Let’s hope to see some good bench brawls in this years playoffs. Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette is my pick for best fighter of the 60’s.

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