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The worst possible schedule.

David O'Quinn

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If a Moscow VS Seattle series had happened at any point during the playoffs, with only 1 day break inbetween switching Arena's, teams would potentially have as little as a 5-6 hours in the new city for practice, sleep, and food before their next game. As I have talked about before, VHL scheduling can be (pardon my french), a bitch, and this is an extreme example of this kind of thing. Imagine playing in Seattle, flying 14 hrs to Moscow. As soon as you land in Moscow, it is already mid-late day, you may not have time to practice, eat, sleep, recover mentally (because playoff hockey is intense)... I truly fear for the health of the players of the league if a team is added to place like Australia, which, while seemingly unlikely, is still a point of conversation. Like, damn, 24hr flights from Sydney to Moscow. Now obviously, inter-conferecial games are much more common, but the schedule could still completely fuck over one team and give the advantage to another. 


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28 minutes ago, JohnOQuinn said:

I truly fear for the health of the players of the league if a team is added to place like Australia


Why do you think we want a team in Australia, the home ice advantage would be extremely strong.

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