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Landing in New York

David O'Quinn

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"When O'Quinn got the call, he was relieved. There was no team he could be drafted to that was closer to home, at least as the bird flew. The City was not unfamiliar to him, as he had visited it during a family vacation, which now seemed an age ago. This time, however, as he landed, he was greeted by more than a City to explore. As the second of New York's first round picks in the VHL draft, he had garnered some attention, although not nearly to the degree that which newfound colleague, Soren Jensen, had found.  As he got to the luggage area, not just press greeted him, but a member of the New York Americans as well. Fredrick Elmebeck, the son of Per-Mårten Elmebeck, who himself was the Assistant General Manager in Saskatoon, greeted O'Quinn, in an odd fashion. Although O'Quinn was Elmebeck's elder, Elmebeck held a certain respect to his pose. They exchanged greetings, as professionals, and F. Elmebeck lead him to the home of the American's to exchange greetings and pleasantries with the staff of the American's, including GM Esso. (ooc: or Birdson? Idunno. Not sure what his in-character GM name is.) 


This was a surreal moment for O'Quinn. Much of his life had been spent ignoring the possibility of this, the opportunity of playing in a professional sports league. He had stuck to his duties as a father, but as those duties changed and molded, the availability of his free time grew, and his the reliance of his own children upon him lessened. He finally 'answered the call', joining the VHL/M conglomerate of leagues. During O'Quinn's time in Saskatoon, it had not really set in how far he had come. Saskatoon, and the VHLM, reminded him greatly of his days playing for the Capers, but the VHL already had given off the feelings of something completely different. Better, maybe, but more challenging, professional, and scary. 


These feeling's and realizations would have plenty of time to settle in however, as near the end of his first day in New York, he was calmly and precisely told by the New York manager that, unless something changed, the American's would be leaving O'Quinn in the VHLM, for his own personal development, and their lack of space for him at the moment. Still, he had two weeks in New York to get acquainted with the city and team, and to go through their combine and training camp...


Two weeks later, after lots of training, both physical and mental, O'Quinn was exhausted. He was skating with some of the best young players, and prospects, in the entire VHL, and sometime skating against them. He still hadn't experienced the VHL crowds, or competition between two teams, but it was intense. But, all good things must come to an end. O'Quinn had to head home, and prepare for the VHLM draft. He had been hoping he would head back to Saskatoon, but nothing was guaranteed, and he had nonetheless packed his bags and readied himself to go greet *another* new city."



I know the writing style was weird, but this has been reporter Roger Pennies, as always, on the life and career of David O'Quinn.



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