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Drafts & Draft Picks: Drafts and drafts picks, most teams will trade for draft picks and trade there players wanting to win championships and playing for competitive teams I seen that this happens 90% of the time unless the players wants to stick it out which is the 10%. This season we have seen that none of what I just is even remotely true because many trades for drafts picks have happen they seem very valuable this season and many blockbuster drafts have happened with them. Drafts are usually pretty deep with a few gems coming out of the later rounds but this season this draft was pretty lackluster but it is to early to tell who will pan out and who will be a bust maybe I could be wrong we don’t know yet we will have to see at the end of the season.


Trades: Even though I covered this a little bit in draft picks here it is with its own section, trades is a big one may even be the most important because of how often the strategy of each may change every season or even over the course of the season depending records, players and morale. I thought thought it was the little things that one championships but I guess thats out the videos with all the blockbuster trade Erik Summers being traded to Mexico. I believe it will die down for the rest of the but it will be fun while it lasts.


Players: Players haven’t disappointed this year in terms of offense will some on pace to double the total games this season so its safe to that players will drop because there is no way the league can sustain the near number of goals being scored and conceded every game. On the other hand defense have been bad but again the throughout the season it should improve and become better. 


Surprises: The surprises of the season have to Ian Valcimond on the Las Vegas Aces and Jaxon Walker, Ian has come out of nowhere being a 7th round pick and put up 7 points and has surprisingly contributed very well to the team after most people expected to be released by now or no one new he even existed and for Jaxon has come out snd explode of 28 points in 11 games everyone expected to improve but not by these levels he is raising the bar from last season will probably surpass 100 points if he keeps this pace which he won’t if we are being honest.

     -426 Words


  Hopefully you enjoyed this.



Edited by Maasa
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