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Nolan fed up with doing nothing


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The second year winger out of New York has a much bigger role this year than last, but it doesn’t seem to be helping New York. The team endured a depressing 9 game losing streak early this season where Nolan didn’t do much on the scoresheet. “I came in with two main goals this year: fight more and score more. I haven’t really done either'' Nolan said. While his pace of play is better this year than last, projecting to score 33 points and 22 goals by the end of season after racking up just 16 points and 10 goals in S68, he has only scored points in 5 out of his team’s 20 games. “I feel like I’m either on my game or completely invisible. It’s pretty disappointing". 


Still there is a little room for hope for New York. Scoring should increase as they remain they worst team in the VHL in shooting percentage. “I think we have a better feel for who works best with who at this point” he went on to say. “As much as it pains me to admit it, I’m still at a point in my career where I need to be sheltered away from the tougher opponents a bit”. All but 2 points of Nolan’s have been scored when he was on the second line.


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