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Effort: 2/2 - Yes

Look: 2.5/3 - I think the text is a mess here.  I'm not digging the sizing of the main text and the opaque drop shadow on it either.  I also don't really like the use of subtext.  It would have worked out better with no subtext or smaller subtext.  The left side is kind of meh for me, so I'm going to leave this for the next grader to decide.

Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah


Total: 5.5/6

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Effort: 2/2 - No reason to dock.

Look: 2.75/3 - I actually really like this, it just needs a few adjustments.  First, while I like the text, the drop shadow on the subtext should be removed (the drop shadow on the main text is fine though), and the main text and subtext should be aligned.  My only other complaint is that this could use some more consistency as far as stock work goes.  The green dots and red circles don't really work here, and I don't care much for the duplicated, larger render that's slightly visible.

Creativity: 1/1

Total: 5.75/6



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