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Hounds vs Kings Recap in a players eyes


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Alex Burrows - Week Four Journal



Well after a successful round one the Mexico City Kings are back for the second round. In this series they will be facing second seed Mississauga Hounds. 



Game one. Mississauga scores the lone goal in the first period by Patrik Tallinder and it was one to nothing for the Hounds. Mexico needs to get there legs going here in the second. Which they did not, they only had one shot in the second to the Hounds eleven but no one was able to beat the goaltenders. Despite the Hounds having four power plays. The third period begins and Nyko finally cracks Spyro and it's one to one. Later in the game Wright scores and the Hounds won two to one.



Game Two. Mexico is hungry out of the gates but they get a penalty. That doesn't matter as Nyko scores one short handed his seventh of the playoffs! Hounds are able to answer though making it one to one after one. Walker scores on the Power play as Mexico takes the lead! Quiet period after that and it's a two to one lead for the Kings. Early in the third Graves scores for the Hounds and tied it up at two. Later in the game Kris Rice was able to score the game winner and the Hounds are up two to nothing in the playoffs 



Game three. Well Mexico needs to win tonight or it will seem they might be down and out of it. Doesn't help much that the Hounds scored the first goal off of a Cheezy shot and lead one to nothing after the first period. Nyko scores his eighth of the playoffs and third of the series late in the second on the powerplay. Early in the third the Kings have the power play and Omdahl is able to score and it's two to one for the Kings! That will be it as well the Hounds now lead three to two.



Game 4. Well it's the fourth game here in the series and currently the home team as won every game can the Hounds change this tonight? The first is pretty boring until the final minute, the Kings get the powerplay and they capitalize on it, Omdahl with a goal in back to back games! That was it for the first period. Hounds were upset that the Kings took the lead late in the period so they came out and tied it early. Now to the big part of the game, Burrows with the puck throws it to the point to Summers who fired and it's tipped in by Walker, ALEX BURROWS AFTER THIRTY ONE GAMES HAS GOTTEN A POINT! THE FANS ARE GOING ELECTRIC!!!!!! SAVE THAT PUCK!!!! Well now we head back to the game and the Hounds aren't giving the Kings any momentum scoring thirty four seconds after. It is two to two after two. Early in the third Mexico is on the powerplay and Hunter scores giving the Kings the lead for the third time this game, Walker adds to that later in the game as the Kings take game four by a score of Four to Two!



Game Five. Well the series is all tied up coming back to Mississauga. Nyko scores his team leading ninth of the playoffs as the Kings take the lead early, the Hounds though are able to capitalize thirty five second later as they tie it up. But Davis thinks tying it is not enough as he scores twenty seconds after the Hounds tie it and now they have the lead.  Oferson makes it three to one for the Hounds on the Powerplay bit later they score there fourth short handed. What has happened to the Kings in this game, Daldo has a answer for that as he scores one in the second. That wasn't enough as the Hounds take game five by a score of four to two.



Game Six. Well our backs are against the wall tonight as we head home. The 1st period was the most boring period ever and no one scored and there was a total of six shots combined. In the second we took a penalty and couldn't kill it off as the Hound's took the lead and that was the dagger. The third had no scoring and we lost in Six. 



Well boys I enjoyed the group we had and I hope I can play with some of you guys again. 

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