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If there was a HOF for...


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... longest name, Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen would be an absolute shoo in. Unfortunately it isn't that easy but luckily Smitty still has a good chance at the HOF (as far as I'm concerned with little to no knowledge on the league). He started off his career a little slow in his first two seasons, but still put up some decent numbers. He really picked up his play from that point on, especially the last 3 seasons where he has been over point per game in each one, and is closing in on becoming a point per game for his career if he keeps up the same play. All of those good statistics have lead to a couple Sterling Labatte Trophies as well as Jake Wylde Trophy and Sterling Labatte trophy. With that hardware already in his cabinet, and this season looking like a good chance of adding a few more to the collection, Werbenjagermanjensen will focus on going for the championship and continue his play which will no doubt lead to an entry into the VHL Hall of Fame.

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