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Gino’s future HOF hype man from the tales of an insane man.


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Good evening everyone, As far as my previous media spot goes this won’t be that I am currently going through a tremendously heavy sickness and I am voice dictating this form post I will not be correcting any problems that arise from the voice dictation. No I want to start off my story by saying Gino did Jen and Tonio is one of the greatest hockey players I will be.And as far as all of the haters go they are all going to be wrong about Gino because Gino is one of the greatest they will play this game. The reason I am using voice dictation today is because of my previously told sickness as well as the fact that I don’t have Internet on my computer right now. So I just want you all to knowThat this will be fairly messed up.


As far as future Hall of Famer’s go there’s been many over the years that you could say I’ve been consistent and there’s definitely a lot do you could say don’t deserve their place. The person I’m speaking about that doesn’t deserve their place is without a doubt Anyone who opposes Gino degenerate Tonio. I am his current agent and previously when he had played in the NBA for the LA Lakers do you know how a lot of consistency. Gino could throw dunk and most of all the most important thing in basketball Gino did not shit his pants much like our good friend James Harden or whatever the hell his name is I don’t care Because he is a Gino.


Gino is going to make his Hall of Fame case by winning every single award of every single season is that he plays in the VHL. When he gets drafted to the Seattle Bears, he’s going to take the VHL by surprise with how impressive his scoring ability is. In his first season in the minors do you know didn’t do too well. The reason being was because of his bench that he was forced to stay on most of the time. A bench that could hold the weight of a dentist that has so much power so much ability and it’s gone away it’s thrown away to the side. She knows man backspace oh shit fuck one second


Gino is a man won’t let anything take him down and even if he’s only got five points in 24 games Gino will not stop, Geno will not let go. Every good man goes through adversity and Geno is no exception this man has absolutely no worries in the world because he knows he is the best in the world. I will be completely honest this media spot Isn’t supposed to go through Gino’s accomplishments. Because what he has here is accomplishment enough. Even if Geno never sniffs the VHL, he will always go down as the greatest dentist to play the game. That right there is enough to be in the VHS Hall of Fame for me. Because knowing how much effort and how much integrity he’s had and how much ability he put into it to make it here that right there is proof enough. Hi Penny Penny has Asians can tell everybody that this man will be a legend and even if anyone goes against him even after he scores 180 goals in a single season he will know in his heart and in his soul that he is the greatest to ever play In the VHL. I may be speaking incoherently and blabbing but I know for a damn fact that Gino is going to be the best. I am is a man and I will not stop until everybody knows how well he is and how good he will be. Thank you for listening one day this will be all better but for now I am bedridden and sick. Left my goddamn media post go through and thank you to everyone except for Bevis thank you.



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