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A special week has just started, the regular season is almost here and I´m going to play my first VHL games! That is a great little milestone in my career. I have not set any goals or number targets yet, so I thought why not talk bit more about my expectations for the rookie year in this article!?

When we look at the rookie scoring numbers from the last three seasons, we notice that they have gone down fairly heavily. Back in S68 nine rookies scored at least 50 points, jumping to S69 and that same number is one player and finally last year nobody scored over 50 points. Nobody even scored over 40 points and only three players scored over 30 points, so it makes sense to start by saying that hitting something like 30 points would be a great rookie year for me and I will have it as my point target for the upcoming season. There are a couple reasons why I think I have a solid chance to hit that 30 point target.


1: I will get a chance to play in a big role right away, that is perhaps the main reason behind the drop in rookie scoring during the past couple seasons, these rookies are often behind the best players in the league and have to play in smaller roles. Obviously, there are big differences between teams and what kind of depth they have.
2: I´m a complete player, I worked hard during this off-season to make sure I can play a solid game both in the offensive and in the defensive end. That means the potentially big role is something I can realistically keep for a full season, which only increases the odds of me having a 30+ point season.




So 30 points is my goal for the rookie year. No matter if it comes mostly by goals or assists, hitting 30 would be great. The second part of my own expectations are on the physical side. I like to hit and take the body, that is not a secret. In general, the hitting numbers in VHL have increased during the last three years, at least if we look at the top hitters. Back in S68, only two players had 250 or more hits. In season 69 in a total of eight players had at least 250 and last year all of the top-10 hitters had 250 hits or more. Does the same trend continue this year? Mr. Randoms has been the best hitter in the league in the last two years and the only player to hit magical 300, he had 70 as checking rating, I have 82 right now - does that mean I too can hit 300? I doubt it, Randoms is a veteran player, but in theory, I could get 200 hits.


I think that is a fair target. The big role once again working in my favor, getting to play a lot naturally means more opportunities to hit and that is what I´m going to do.
Overall, when I think about the future and next off-season, if I have 30 points and 200 hits when I look back at my rookie season, I´m more than fine with that.


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As always you have a great ability to break up your writing in such a way where it draws you in each paragraph and and excited to finish each one and then continue to the next one. I feel like the content itself is good in its self reflection of what has been and looking at what could be in your players potential performance. As someone who also loves to ponder about how the season could go I enjoy pieces like this. I think the way you break up your points in the middle of your media spot is great and easily catches readers eyes and might cause the them to pre read your reasons and have a good idea as to your thesis before getting there. I hope that you have a great seasons and hit your goals.



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