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Attention GM's

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Viktor Mjers is currently a defender in the VHLM and is going into his second year after becoming a late bloomer in the VHLM last year with the San Diego Marlins. Ahead of his draft curve, Mjers released the following information which could prove very worthy to potential GM's at the VHL level: 


While I joined this league as a defender [he said], I have no concrete plans to stay here, and I am very, very versatile at switching positions for the sake of my success but also the franchises success as well. This means, if you have a hole to fill at center, or at left wing, maybe even right wing, and you need a top-tier player, do not count me out or let me slip because of it, because I will fill that need. Please note, this means I am delcaring for the S73 draft and, I will be here for anyone to select. 


That was all we got from him... 

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