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´Hows the golf´ - crowd starts laughing, meanwhile Jim Bob has already left the stream. S71 Brett Slobodzian Trophy voting stream last night was an intense event, diabolic Hulk Hogan had organized some kind of rally, multiple viewers demanded that Hogan should be put among the players who could potentially win the Brett Slobodzian Trophy. Many VHL players were also there to watch the stream, one of the players was Helsinki winger Jim Bob who was in the center of attention for openly campaigning against Hulk Hogan, which resulted in Hogan hitting back with the quote mentioned above.


Many experts questioned Hogans motives, Brett Slobodzian Trophy voting is a prestigious event and has a lot of history behind it, so to try and get someone into the nominee list after the nominees have been announced is a questionable tactic, which not only mocks the voting process but also makes the whole league look bad. As seen during the stream things escalated fair bit and shots were thrown back and forth.


Jim Bob has refused to answer any questions related to what happened last night, but he did address the whole thing in his Facebook a couple of hours ago:




I want to take this chance to apologize to... absolutely nobody. S71 junior world champ does whatever he likes! I do feel a tad bad that I went after Hogan, he is one of the oldest - maybe even the oldest player in the league.


 I was raised to show respect to my elders, when they talk I should listen, but in all fairness, there is a limit and that limit was met last night. It was wrong of me to storm off like that in the middle of the stream, but when you are defeated in a verbal battle, there is no need to sit there and take more of it, you take few steps back and try again some other day.





Cocky and humble, is it possible to be both at the same time? Apparently, it is. If we analyze Bob´s comment, he makes an excellent point about Hogan's age, he indeed is among the veteran players of the league. We did research and found out that he is not actually the oldest player in the league, but if you look at a picture of Hogan it´s clear that he has either lied about his real age or his lifestyle has rapidly caught up to him, technically he could be the oldest player in the league.


Another interesting point on the comment is the whole dynamic of it all, we can see a young player in Bob going after older and more established Hogan. We don´t know for sure if last night was all for show or was it spontaneous and real, especially Hogan is known for lavish stunts, many remember the parade through Ottawa last year where Hogan hired dozens of little people dressed as him to ride through the city with donkeys, but the whole thing ended into chaos, majority of the donkeys ran away, later it was discovered that many of the ´Hogan clones´ were actually kids who failed to keep the donkeys in control.


Anyways, Bob as a young player needs to study the game a lot more before he can reach Hogans level in media play.

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This is great stuff man; love the rivalry. For those who missed out, it might have been good to include a quote or two establishing the escalating nature, or the seriousness of the back-and-forth. I thought it was great the way you included the quote you did and the analysis. Analysis helps your audience get the main point without it having to be explicit in every quote. I also loved the "wait-and-see" of the developing rivalry, like you would get from a blogger from the outside. Great stuff, keep it up! 9.9/10

Edited by ahockeyguy
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