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Ziarie Anigbogu Junior Review


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Ziarie Anigbogu Junior Review

Analyzing his life up to getting signed by the Aces, it's impossible to imagine just how Anigbogu became a professional hockey player. Anigbogu grew up in Los Angeles, California, a city with a love for basketball above all other sports. Ziarie was no exception to this rule, as he grew up on the sport of basketball his entire life, playing for teams coached by his dad. His parents had immigrated to the United States from Nigeria, and had settled down in Southern California after Anigbogu's father landed a job teaching mathematics and coaching basketball at a local high school. Anigbogu grew up in a basketball family, lived in a basketball city, and played basketball his whole childhood - yet here he stands, one season away from playing in the highest hockey league in the world.


His story starts from a mix-up. Several, actually. Anigbogu finished his high school basketball career as a decent prospect, but not enough to garner any division one offers. He decided to go play at the junior college, enrolling at Santa Monica College. He was a two year starter there, but after that his basketball dreams began to fizzle out. Until one day, Anigbogu thought he had hit gold - a letter from the Las Vegas Aces, inviting him to play for their developmental league team. Now, it's difficult to understand how Anigbogu thought a league called VHLM (there's not even a b for basketball in there) was a basketball league, but he happily accepted. As for the Aces? Their assistant GM at the time had known Anigbogu from attending the same college, and had mixed up his name with a successful hockey prospect who actually has his name spelled correctly: Ziaire Anigbogu. It appears, that Anigbogu's greatest attribute leading to his success today was his parents misspelling his name, placing the second i in the incorrect position. So far, he's managed to act the part somewhat decently, but he fears that any day his secret will be uncovered and his professional career will fall apart. Until then? Watch as Anigbogu continues to nervously skate around the hockey rink, wildly swinging his stick. It's been a good strategy to him so far, as he did get drafted in the most recent VHL draft, to play for the Toronto Legion. But at some point, people will realize that his repeated falls while skating are due to more than just his unusual playstyle.

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