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The following is an interview with Miami Marauders defenseman Wolf Stansson. We’ll be asking him about life in Miami, of all kinds! Read on to see how it went:


US: So, Wolf, you’ve played eight games in a Marauders’ jersey. How does it feel?

WS: Oh, amazing! [laughs] It really is a dream come true.


US: So can you tell us some details about playing? How do you feel you have done so far?

WS: Honestly, I could be doing better. I’m a -7 on the plus/minus rating, and I have yet to score on even strength.

US: But you’re just a defenseman—

WS: But I shoot! I shoot from the point, I look for good opportunities for puck movement, etc.

US: Fair enough.

WS: So I just need to make better decisions when I have the puck in the offensive zone.


US: Tell us about those decisions.

WS: I just need to pass more. Well, let me amend that. I need to read the offensive situation better, so I know when I need to pass. So far, that’s entailed me passing more. But it might entail me shooting when a pass wouldn’t be for the best.


US: That’s what’s interesting about analytics. Speaking of that, how do you feel about analytics? Should players use it?

WS: Of course! Players should always use information that is available to them to learn about the game in general, about their game, about their team, and about their opponents. But there’s such a thing as ‘too much noise,’ and I think the challenge is finding that point where the information load is about to become so much noise, and then relying on your training as a player. That comes with experience.


US: Speaking of experience, you’re just getting your first tastes of VHLM hockey. What are some things you like or don’t like?

WS: I both like and don’t like the speed of the game. It’s so much faster. I moved here to learn better hockey, though, but you just can’t replicate the speed of the game in practice. I like living in Miami. Being able to go to the beach on any off-days…it’s a wonderful place.



US: We’ve heard—well, really, read—the account from @bigAL Groovy Dood. Do you really think of him as a nemesis or rival?

WS, laughing loudly: Groovy Dood is just that—a groovy dude ha ha. He’s a friend. I mean, don’t get me wrong, when we’re on the ice together we’re going to go at each other pretty hard. In that respect, yeah, absolutely he’s a rival. But after the season, you never know. We might be on the same team!


US: Give us some final thoughts about the Marauders and their season.

WS: I think we have an uphill climb to make the playoffs. However, as our guys improve, and as we gain more experience playing together, I think our opponents are going to be surprised. We’re going to steal a game here and there. And because of this, we’re going to hopefully contend for a playoff spot!

US: Thanks, Wolf. Good luck out there!

Edited by ahockeyguy
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