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Today I´m going to talk about the so-called ´meta´ build by looking at the champions of the last five seasons. Some say there should be a fair gap between scoring and passing, I have heard 7, 9 and even higher than that to be the sweet spot, I used 9 with my last player for example, so I´ll choose 9.  The other parts of this magic build are skating, defense, and puck handling I believe, those should be as high as possible. Some say when you get all to 90 - good stuff will start to happen, so technically speaking you might not even need to worry about passing that much as long as the scoring is higher, but either way:

To the rosters..


S71 - Seattle: 7 players who are shoot-first type of players, (at least 9 between scoring and passing).
S70 - Moscow: 10 players who are shooters
S69 - Seattle:  9 players who are shooters
S68 - Seattle: 8 players who are shooters
S67 - Vancouver: 7 players who are shooters


Quickly looking at this suggests that scoring wins you championships.  7-10 players all being shoot first is a large chunk of the roster. Quite telling is the fact that Seattle managed to win the championship three times in a short period of time. When looking at Seattle more closely, In S71 they also had 7 players with at least 80 passing. In S69 they had whopping 12 players with at least 80 passing, and in S68 - 9 players had at least 80 passing.  Interestingly, the same can be seen in Moscow, they had 9 in S70, and also Vancouver had 11 players with at least 80 passing in S67.


What we can take from this is that going all-in on scoring and leaving passing completely behind won't mean success for your team, but then again as mentioned 7-10 players being ´shooters´ is a clear majority of the roster. These teams were deep teams with great players, so much scoring and passing combined that not that surprising to hear a team like that do well.




Still, purely from my perspective as a regular member of the league who likes to build players, seeing the high scoring type of players being so successful is a boring development. Many of course know all about it already and most know even better what the fine details are compared to what I know, but there is no denying the fact that the last five championship-winning teams look to be scoring heavy.


If I look at the draft class I was in, which is S71 - a lot of the players are shoot first, quickly looking at the class of S72, its the same thing, and same can be seen even in the class of S73, so the future of the league looks to be shoot first.


Am I the only one who finds it boring that everybody builds almost the same players? League has a lot of active players, so it makes sense that TPE is put somewhere, and of course, there are only so many attributes in the game, but where are all the playmakers and power forwards? Are we soon in a situation where we are racing with the same ´vehicles´, pretty much there already, but how is that interesting to anyone? Welcome friend, join me and my colleagues as we compete against each other using the same players.


Is this a case of getting on with the times or what should a user who does not want to build the same build all the time do from now on? What I find a bit worrying is that there is no way to all these new players just randomly pick scoring as the ´main´ attribute, is it the junior GM´s/coaches with the user group who provide help to new users that feeds them this scoring first type of information?


What does that do to the league in a long run, is it the junior GM´s/coaches' job to intervene with the user's career so heavily just so their own team can win in the juniors?


Most importantly, does the completely fresh user have the freedom to build how they want? I doubt it, which is sad.



Edited by jRuutu
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