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Gow enters Giraffe Racing Competition to Change his Luck


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Through 15 games on Riga's top line, RGIII has an abysmal 2 assists and 0 goals in 15 games played. Riga's GM Mike Longlastname had this to say on the matter, "I haven't heard RGIII talk about giraffes for a few weeks now. We all know giraffes are what fuel his fire and desire. So i decided to let RGIII take a few practices off and enter his giraffe into some giraffe races." 


Also Hi Squinty if you are reading this please come back to the VHL I miss you. Hi Draper you are 2 gud. D3vilsfire you sometimes read this the 3 in your name annoys me you are on of those people who use numbers for letter :P. Flyersfan reads these too and he is too scared to play me in NHL. Victor is an old man. Munk LIKES TO TALK IN ALL CAPS. 


Also Kuzie17 is a cool guy I want to play NHL with you and Draper. Kuzie you if you keep producing you should be a really gud center for us :)


#Yukon 2 gud


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