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Gino Does Vancouver

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Gino Does Vancouver


            There’s been a lot of speculation of what’s been going on in Vancouver, regarding a man certainly distinguished by the name of Gino DiGiannantonio. Well, to be completely honest with everybody reading, there is no idea what is going on right now in Gino’s head. His head is absolutely locked and stowed away for the future, and currently he is unable to give answers or rhymes as to why he is no longer speaking to anyone. It may be the fact that his team is not doing as well as he’d hoped for, or the fact that he is not doing as well as he’d like to have been. The true answer really comes from within though, and it’s whether Gino was ready for the VHL yet. He may have had the strength and shooting ability, but the only issue with Gino is the fact that he is unable to really score on the big goalies of the VHL, compared to the VHLM bunch.


            The Vancouver Wolves have been a team touted to be a top tier bunch for this season here, but the harsh reality is that they’ve not been able to really get anything going as far as good momentum goes. They’ve split so many games and lost multiple times in very winnable scenarios. The GM, Beaviss has been on record talking to Gino about whether he is here to play the game. Gino always insists that he is the best he has ever been, and always goes out there to put 100% of his energy and power into every game. The likelihood that Gino has been playing injured is remarkably high, since Gino was seen in that eventful fight that is uncharacteristic for him. Despite winning commandingly, Gino has not been the same since he got that extremely sharp punch to the throat. This could be one of the major reasons as to why he has not been talking to media, press, or teammates. Then again, he can be a very solemn and quiet man, so the idea does not hold the greatest weight to it.


            Since the whole fighting debacle Gino had, there’s been a big drop in his physicality. This could be determined to be the turning point of his season, and perhaps a turning point in his career. With a fighting win to his belt – there’s no saying whether Gino would be able to handle a second fight in this season without being knocked out or permanently injured. His whole career rests on his choice to become more of a physical competitor or stick to the shooting and passing that he was well known for in the VHLM. One thing is certain though, and that is that Gino is willing to put himself out there for his team, and willing to lose or win for anything that they seek. He has continued to put his heart and soul out there, and he will be doing that for as long as he is around in the city of Vancouver.

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