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So if you don't know who I am, I'm ShawnGlade. I joined this site close to 2 years ago and for a majority of my team spent here, I GM'd the Halifax 21st and more recently, HC Davos Dynamo. I had a very successful 2 season career in Halifax and was promoted to the VHL in less than 5 months on the site. In my career with Davos, I didn't replicate my success at all. I had a very poor 7 season career in Davos, making the playoffs twice and seemingly rebuilding every season with no end in sight. I was eventually fired in January 2020 after 18 months on the job. That's a longer story I won't go over, maybe some other day.


Now, since the whole Davos drama happened, I'll admit I gained a pretty big ego and became extremely arrogant. There  was a period of time where I was universally disliked because of this, and I had seemingly done a complete 180 on the Shawn that joined the site and quickly rose through the ranks. It became so bad that every morning I'd come on and spew random shit for no reason. Everyone told me I brought all the hate on myself. Now usually I try to admit when I make mistakes, but for some reason I've been sticking my head in the sand recently, and just making my situation worse every day. Truth be told, those people arguing with me were right.


I had a chat with @diamond_ace a few nights ago about whatever, can't remember. But we eventually started talking about how we used to talk till absurd hours every night and were super close VHLM buddies, and how I was a great member. What got me was him telling me how much he missed that old Shawn, and how the new Shawn was no fun and was a burden to everyone. I took this  from a place of love since it's D_A, but it got me wondering if that's how everyone felt. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I started out as a pretty great guy, and any vet will tell you it's true. I had a rep for being great at retention and helping new members, but once I got to the VHL i just sort of forgot my roots and acted like I was the best person ever.


I've been thinking it over for close to a week now, and I realized you guys were all right. I never thought I'd be typing this but you guys were right all along, and I'm sorry for arguing needlessly. Truth is, I've been dealing with some personal and family issues for about 6-7 months now, and it hasn't been easy on me so I felt the need to let all my frustration out online, which isn't smart at all. In the end, I can't make excuses, I've just been a shitty person.


Now, I wanted to make things right. I reached out to about 10 people, the same ten people I feuded with the most in my time on the site. 2 weeks ago, these guys probably would've told me to kick rocks, but I reached out and apologized. Things wen't overwhelmingly well, with each person accepting my apology, apologizing themselves, then having a chat, as friends afterwards. Now while this isn't what the intent was, it made me feel great, and wholesome, like I actually managed to fix my imagine with someone. I've decided to start rebuilding my image to what I used to be, before Davos and before the arrogance.


So, with that being said, consider this my apology to the community. I'm sorry for acting the way I have been and hopefully we can all move past any beef or any sticky situations that have happened ❤️ And look out, the old Shawn is coming, and he kills with kindness.

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