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Thank You

Guest Svoboda_3

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Guest Svoboda_3

A Thank You

Vojczek Svoboda, now a proud member of the Helsinki Titans, was a proud member of the Turku Outlaws last season after being drafted 5th overall in the VHLM Dispersal Draft. After the season concluded in disappointment after losing out in 6 games to the Bern Royals, Svoboda moved onto the VHL after Helsinki took the bruising rearguard 1st overall. Leaving one excellent locker room to go to another excellent one in Helsinki was difficult at first and one of the things that Svoboda didn't get to do upon his exit was thank the people of Turku and his teammates. Taking out a small section of the local Turku Turun Sanomat newspaper, Svoboda addressed his former team, the fans and the city to express his gratitude. It read:



Haluan henkilökohtaisesti kiittää Turkuun rakennettavaa vesijohto ensinnäkin. Kun tulin, niin kaikki oli minulle uutta, ja vieras asia, mutta ihmiset tämän suuren yhteisön pani tyytyväisenä merkille minut avosylin vastaan ja tuntemaan jäsen joka päivä Turussa. Minun tiimikavereita, kiitos, että autat minua tullut pelaaja ja henkilö minä nykyisin. Olet tehnyt ajastani team nautittavaa ja yhtä asiaa minä haluan tunnustaa ja ilmaista arvostavani on työtä ja omistautumista kaikki olette ilmaissut ollessani. Tämä on niin erityinen ryhmä pelaajat ja ystävyyssuhteita että tein samalla, kun toistat on varmasti viime minulle ikuisuus. John McBride, aluejohtaja, kiitän teitä minulle, minusta on todella mahtava tilanne ja sitä ympäröivät minua real classy vain. Uskotte minua ja te annoitte minuun vapaasti oma itseni. Lopuksi todettakoon, että faneille. Kiitos, että olet edelleen tukeemme, positiivinen kannustus ja omistautumisestaan hockey team ja se on pelaajille. Ilman teitä, aikani ei olisi ollut niin mukavaa ja ilman, että te olisitte, halveksunta olisi ole olemassa. Sinä olet totta organisaation selkärankana ja vaikka pelaajat tulevat ja menevät, te fanit ovat aina kiinni tapaamisista hurrasi ylpeänä ja meidän, jotka soittimet, arvostan sitä, että asemaan. Tulen aina muistamaan aikani ja lainvalvojien kanssa muistan ajat ja ystävyyssuhteita.


And in English...

I want to say a personal thank you to the city of Turku first off. When I first arrived, everything was so new to me and unfamiliar, but the people of this great community welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like an everyday member of Turku. To my teammates, thank you for helping me become the player and person I am today. You made my time on the team enjoyable and one thing I would like to personally acknowledge and express my appreciation for is the work and dedication that each of you expressed during my time. This was such a special group of players and the friendships that I made while playing there will certainly last me a lifetime. To John McBride, the General Manager, thank you for drafting me, bringing me into an awesome situation and surrounding me with a real classy group of players. You believed in me and you gave me the confidence to freely be myself. Lastly, the fans. Thank you for your continued support, your positive reinforcement and your dedication to the hockey team and it's players. Without you, my time wouldn't have been as enjoyable and without you, the Outlaws wouldn't exist. You are the true backbone of this organization and even though players come and go, you, the fans will always be there cheering proudly and we, as players, appreciate that drive. I will always remember my time with the Outlaws and will always remember the times we had and the friendships I made.

Edited by Svoboda_3
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