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The season is winding down. Only a dozen games to play and the fight for position is very heated. Mexico City Kings are in the mix trying to nail down the forth spot. It has been a tough battle to say the least. Some games click and we win, some go sideways fast. Sound familiar? That's how it goes. Unless a team is really talented, it will be a roll coaster of a season. With all the ups and downs, there are plenty of positives to take from even the worst games. The GM has some ideas about line mix and we could, or should, start to settle in with some set lines. Always something to mess with, more so in the minors where you are playing young players with different skill levels. Everyone needs to be better if we want to make any sort of run in the playoffs. I feel we have to horsepower to do just that. We, as a team will be pushing hard in this last part of the season and hopefully be on a hot streak for the playoffs.

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