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Brace yourselves Europe is coming


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Brace yourselves team Europe is coming. 



From the harsh lands of the North to the warm Mediterranean coast we march.


From the Pillars of Hercules to the peak of the Narodnaya we rule. 


The world was at our feet once and it's time for us to get our throne back from those who stole it from us.


Our moto it's simple "Take no prisoners" 

Guided by our Pride and led by @LatinViking and @PatrikLaine
We came for all and won't leave without it.


When you hear our trumpets ice will break and the land will tremble under your feet... 

Run while you have time, hide your woman and cattle. 

Run for your lives.... We here


Edited by LatinViking
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2 minutes ago, LatinViking said:

With so many great players, some will be left out sadly, it's a shame that team world can't build a proper team with their own players and have to scavenge half their team from us

Not my fault everyone creates players that aren't world exclusive ?‍♂️

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