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Interview with Helsinki Reporter Blaide Maidden

Spence King

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l.) How do you feel about being the European Conference Champions?

Its truly humbling, being known and recognized as the top organization with such a prestigious is amazing. We have fought and worked hard over the past two seasons to assert this dominance and with this roster there is NO signs of slowing down but a dynasty in the making... 

2.) Did the team do anything to celebrate the landmark of claiming that European Conference Champions title?

I cant say for myself weather or not the team did anything in particular to celebrate winning the Conference championship other than the most recent Contract resigning in huge news announcing not only star goalie Zamboni Driver , VV, Myself and rookie Sensation Patrik Laine all have resigned with the Titans for another 3 seasons and rumours are coming of the signing in the hopeful upcoming days that Vikinstad announces his resigning as well.

3.) Lets do some predictions, Who wins and in how many games? do you hear the sounds of bristle rustling?  Do you hear a Sweep Sweep Sweep a coming?

I’m never one to assume the outcome of games, Hockey is a game of inches and seconds and there’s no formula to determine the random bounces and the level of heat and effort put into each shift from each player, forming the chemistry it takes to win the big games , evidently this wont be an easy series and clearly not a sweep now after going 1-1 in the first two games. Game One was a big one for us after having such a long layoff with the previous sweep in the conference finals against a fresh Vancouver squad, however game 2 things really starting clicking again and the Titans are looking tighter than ever

4.) Who are you looking forward to facing off against on the Wolves?

Venus Thightrap without a doubt , her skill has had me taken back since i first saw her skate in the WJHC and wow there is ALOT of skill in that woman's body 

5.) Give me a headline quote that will strike fear into your opponents hearts.

"Titans are Tighter than Ever"

6.) Usually in professional leagues like VHL (and the NHL) teams spend a lot of money on making a big display during the playoff finals (some teams lip-sync, some dance and some teams like  put on a full blown show with fireworks and story telling.) What do you see Helsinki doing to commemorate being in this season's finals?

A massive Firework show and a huge parade and celebration in the markets in downtown Helsinki having amazing food vendors as far as the eye can see and just the entire community enjoying and celebrating together with the team, its truly a surreal feeling living and celebrating amongst the fans that have been there all the way throughout the amazing long journey that has taken us to where we are today and we would have nothing without our loyal and humble fans 

7.) Do you think the refs are more or less strict during the playoffs?

The refs are without a doubt MORE strict in the playoffs, you have to watch every stick infractions , the refs want to see the most skilled and clean hockey. Nothing dirty or chip we want the best quality of hockey played on ice and not deterred buy stupid immature behaviors due to lack of skill and effort, Discipline in the playoffs is more than essential.

8.)Who takes the first penalty against the Wolves? Why did they take it?  If It was a fight who won?

Its more than likely going to be me and for a goodness gracious hooking or roughing minor

9.)This playoff showdown is gonna be epic, how epic you ask? Well i hear they are going to make a movie... who is playing you in the film? Do you think they do a serious take or is it "Goons" all over again

I0.) In the spirit of keeping the mood light, how do you keep lose during high pressure situations? Some Players play music, others can play jokes and some even just bro out play games or go out for food together.

I honestly cant see anyone else playing me other than Pete Davidson, and if its that case its going to be a spoof and be a movie like Goons , not my type of hockey movie...

II.) What is your playoff style? Are you rocking a new hairstyle? Dis the whole team dye their hair Helsinki blue? Did you change your tape colour, change the way you lace your skates or even grow a beard or shave your head? What are you rocking in the name of the playoffs, and is your team doing the same over all?

Nothing changes when it comes to playoff time other than the razor gets locked away and the hair clippers are on the shelf for months because the playoff beard is real and anyone that knows me KNOWS i go full caveman for the playoff run , anything for the team 

I2.)What is the most interesting conversation you have had in the penalty box?

When @Jer_Lefebvre asked me if i wanted to go for food after the game in Davos ? wtf man play attention to the game hahahaha  

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Hello new VHLM GM! Thought it was a good fit to review this one since I just got picked up by your team in the VHLM ;). Good content in this, it helped me quite a bit in learning about the Titans and the course your team is on. I'm not the biggest fan of the formatting though, this scould have used a bit more spacing and a bit more attention to punctuation, one mistake you made quite often was having a space before a comma for example, so maybe try to work on that :).


Review 7.5/10

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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