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Caitlyn Catowize's story Pt.3


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Caitlyn was preparing for the draft. She had worked out for several teams. She had been interviewed by so many scouts she had forgotten just what questions she had answered for which teams. She didn’t forget how many times she’d had to steer the questions away from why she’d gone to Europe and dropped out of college though. They all wanted answers, she could understand that. She really did understand that they would be concerned why she’d suddenly had such a massive change in her life, and if it was possible it was going to happen again. Truth was is that it was possible that it was going to happen again. She didn’t know how to avoid it happening again, especially now that her name was out there in the public like this. It was only a matter of time before her mother found her again. She couldn’t answer straight the questions the scouts were answering, they simply wouldn’t be able to understand.


The truth is that Caitlyn’s mother, Phyllis, was not a woman that was easy to understand. She could seem so normal when you met her. In fact almost anyone who met her ended up liking her. If she had something to sell you, you can bet you would end up buying it, even if you weren’t in the market, even if you couldn’t really afford it. Phyllis you see was a master manipulator. She could sell you air as though the concept of breathing was foreign to you, and you’d thank her for having been so smart as to have enlightened you. She was also someone that Caitlyn knew, from personal experience, had no ability to feel genuine emotion. She could pretend well enough, she was an excellent actress, but had no ability to feel it for real. Caitlyn knew that she had never been loved by her mother; she had simply been a tool for her mother to use in various schemes and plots to advance her social status, her wealth, and her plans.


Thinking back to her senior year, Caitlyn remembered the day that her Mother had shown up at her dorm room. Caitlyn had already made it clear to her mother she did not wish to see her anymore, she had no wish for a relationship. When she opened her dorm room door and saw her mother standing there she was immediately appalled. Why was she there? How had she known which dorm room she was in? Caitlyn understood a split second of thinking later, of course she’d manipulated someone to get the dorm room out of them, and of course, she wanted something. Caitlyn demanded that her mother leave immediately, she tried to remind her that she had said she didn’t want anything to do with her. Phyllis simply walked into her dorm room, ignoring her daughter’s outrage.


Phyllis informed her daughter that she had come to let her know that a plan she had to make some money had gone awry. She had been selling some people some stakes in a company, and then selling others the same stake in that same company for the same amount. She had done this to a few dozen people and had now planned to disappear. She did, however, want to let her daughter know that since she had put the company in Caitlyn’s name that she would have an awful lot of very angry people looking for stakes in the company that she supposedly owned coming to claim what they were owed. Caitlyn was dumbstruck. This was beyond the absurd. Not only had her mother done something beyond stupid, again. She’d sold her only daughter out in the process. Caitlyn was screwed. How was she supposed to deal with this? She started to demand that her mother give the money back, that she fix it and ensure that this did not blow back onto Caitlyn when she’d had nothing to do with it. While Caitlyn was yelling at her Phyllis simply walked out of the dorm room, she just left the campus and acted like it was not her problem anymore. Caitlyn tried to follow her but knew that if she tried to physically stop her that her mother would not hesitate to call the police so she had no recourse but to let her go. When she got back to her dorm room she didn’t at first know what to do. She sat thinking for a couple of hours  before she decided that she had no choice but to get the police involved.


It turned out, however, that Phyllis had convinced a lawyer to set up the company and the paperwork appeared to be in order from what the police could see from their investigation that lasted all of about 4 days. Caitlyn couldn’t believe it. What was she going to do when these people found her? She didn’t have long to wait. About a week later the calls started. Angry phone calls from people who claimed to own a portion of a company that didn’t exist. She tried to explain that she didn’t own a company, that it was a scam that had been run by someone else, she didn’t want to say it was her mother that was involved as they’d still blame her, but that didn’t seem to get through to them. They just seemed to get angrier. She expected that they’d threaten to sue her, like a reasonable human being would do when they had been scammed out of money. Instead they issued vague threats and hung up, one after another. She began to get really afraid after that. Who the hell were these people that her mother had made these deals with? Phyllis wouldn’t sell her out to a bunch of dangerous people right? Right? Fuck, Caitlyn knew she would if it was worth it to her. Especially since Caitlyn had cut off ties with her. Since she’d no longer be of use as a social symbol of “family” she’d only be of use in other ways, ways like this. That meant that her mother, not actually caring about her, would be absolutely willing to sell her out to dangerous types.


3 days after the threatening calls Caitlyn discovered her car in the student parking lot of her college had been utterly destroyed and set on fire. It had been beaten with what looked like baseball bats, pipes, and crowbars. Then someone had set it on fire. This had been done when no one had been around and there were no cameras in the lot, so there was no way to determine who had done it. Caitlyn knew though, she was in real danger now. She got a ride from a friend and headed straight to her dorm. She packed a suitcase, bought a ticket to Sweden on her phone and called for an Uber to the airport. She was going to be taking a good long break from things. It was her only option at this point. These weren’t the sort to sue, she just had to let them forget she existed.


Part 4 here: 


1184 words using this for weeks ending 11/8 and 11/15


Edited by CrazyCaityCat
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