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Caitlyn Catowize's story Pt.5


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Caitlyn sat  in the green room for the draft thoroughly depressed. She was going to be drafted by a team, she was going to realize her dream of playing in the VHL. Yet, she couldn’t be happy. She was being held hostage by a debt owed to…well, she didn’t actually know who, but they were dangerous. Thanks to her mom she was trapped and being blackmailed to do…well, she didn’t know what yet. Damn it! She thought. What a fucked up situation to find yourself in. On the cusp of realizing your dream just to have it poisoned by your mother. The phone in her hand rang. As she answered she put on the mask, the “I’m happy to be here and a well adjusted member of society” mask. It was the GM for the Philadelphia Reapers. They were drafting her. She thanked him for the opportunity and promised to live up to his expectations, to work hard and make him proud. He congratulated her on being picked and said that the future was looking bright and promised her that the organization would support her as best it could.


Caitlyn joined a chat group with her new teammates that night and got to know them over the next few days. Always though, that specter of what she would be asked to do was hanging over her. Whose trust would she be asked to betray? Who would she be forced to hurt? She hated this. She wondered if she would ever be able to escape this trap she’d found herself in.


Part 6 here: 




260 Words


Edited by CrazyCaityCat
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