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Bouncing back from last seasons dissapointment by Luukas Lilja


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Luukas Lilja, one of the newly drafted players in the latest VHL draft by the New York Americans was recently seen in his hometown in Nokia. His time in Saskatoon ended before it could even start properly, as he played 35 games last season with the Wild squad, recording no points whatsoever. Saskatoon ended up being eliminated in the first round of playoffs, and so his offseason began. Lilja was found doing yard work and he had the time to talk to us inbetween his chores


Your last season with Saskatoon didnt end up well, how does that make you feel?

Honestly, it was too much for me to handle. Adapting to a new team and the local environment, the schedules, everything. I pretty much had jetlag for the first 4 days there, so I couldnt even get much work done. I was very unmotivated and barely got myself to the rink a couple of times. Few times I also skipped training and started to lack more. Now that I think of it, it wasnt a great choice.


You were a part of both drafts, VHL and VHLM, both in which you were drafted. Are you excited to have a second chance?

I was honored both times I was drafted. I thought to myself that I would never be picked after what happened last season. Im most excited about being a part of the Americans organisation, because I have always wanted to visit New York, but my family could simply not afford a trip to the United States. Houston is not a bad place to be either, they have produced some quality players the past few seasons, and its a whole new environment. Texas was also one of the places I wanted to visit when I was a kid. I love to barbecue so im excited to try out one of the local joints in Houston, to see what makes it so special. The kind of BBQ that we do here is not even close to a proper one. Needless to say I am very grateful for my second chance to prove myself to the league.


What have you been doing so far, have you had any training or have you just been enjoying yourself?

I have been enjoying myself so far. It has been very tempting to hit my local rink but right now my yard needs me more than rink does, as you can see – weeds all around that need to be taken care of. Once I have my mental health back in order I will look forward more into training like never before. Im very motivated right now to train with boys from Houston, its a whole new beginning for me and I will not let it slip out of my hands


Right after these words, he winded up his lawnmower yet again and proceeded to continue his yardwork. I understand completely, once he is done with his yard he is ready to start focusing on to next season.


502 words





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Solid article! The interviews are always fun to read as they offer some information on the players and their personalities. Good questions and even better answers, the only thing I can suggest on improving is looking into the possibility of sharing some information on who is the interviewer, what is the channel/program, etc. And of course, a picture of some kind gives the article some extra flavor.



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I always like an interview style media spot as it lends itself to expressing league stuff from the players point of view, this is an example of it done really well, using the questions to give in characters answers to topics and making it much more interesting that just writing from the point of view of a member.Formatting is perfect too, bolding the questions and using italics for the answers makes it easy to read. The perspective on the different American cities from a foreigners perspective is a nice touch too.




A picture would be the cherry on top of a interesting media spot.

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Review: The questions/answers are good, dialogue is realistic, touched on some issues that can be very real problems for new players coming overseas. Agree with the above that articles where you get to see things from a player's point of view in-character are cool. Would've liked to see another question or two (but not as a negative, just because the interview content is really good!) The formatting is good but I actually think centering the questions looks a little bit off with the rest of the article, I would've liked them to stay left-aligned, or would've liked to see a centered title or something to bring it together? Good use of bold and italics. Overall content of the media spot is great! Rating: 8.5/10

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