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The best offense is offense


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What do you see when you look at the Seattle Bears roster page in the portal? Cool logo, the word '' kock'', nice looking roster? All three are correct answers. The logo is a rather cool looking one, its a bear - a scary-looking bear.  ''Kock'' is of course in the name of our general manager, for the longest time I have been wondering what it means. I could always ask or see what Google says, but I'm not here to do research, I'm here to write. Like my uncle always says: ''In a good story facts are just on the way''. Finally, the roster. The first thing that comes to mind when you go through the list of names and players is the offense, it's deep and talented. Five forwards have over 700 TPE, S74 youngster Campbell is closing in on the 500 TPE mark, so the Bears have basically two scoring lines, both lines can get the job done.


In defense veteran Omdahl leads the group with Marsh, both have over 600 TPE. After those two comes younger core, Leveque perhaps the player with the highest potential right now. In net Tonn is well on his way towards 700 TPE, elite goalie.  Overall, I have to say - nice looking roster indeed.



Now that I have given you a quick report, is it a surprise to anyone that Seattle has started the season by winning every single game? Silly question, I know. Anyways, Seattle has played three games and won them all.


In the first game, Toronto thought they can come into Seattle and take the points, but despite their best efforts Toronto had to leave without any points. Seattle was better 5-4. To many that game was closer than it should have been as Seattle had 53 shots and Toronto had ''only'' 38. Some commentators did not see the shot difference as a big deal, if anything in their eyes Seattle letting 4 goals and keeping the game as a one-goal game despite having over 50 shots shows that the Bears are not only a good team but also a good host.


The second game of the season was an away game in Vancouver. Big game, last year's champions, and against a good team. However, Seattle was a rude visitor and took the full points, 5-1 was the final result. Scoring was deadly, five goals with 35 shots are top-level stuff. Brown-Ofersson duo was unstoppable, both had four points in the game.


The third game was also an away game, the cold Vancouver changed to mildly warm Los Angeles. Seattle once again had more shots, 49 shots but scoring was nowhere near as deadly as in the Vancouver game, with the 49 shots Bears scored only 3 goals. The winner of the game was decided in the shootout, Seattle won. Los Angeles was perhaps still the happier side as they scored 3 goals with 22 shots and took the game all the way to shootout.
Up next for Seattle is games against Chicago and Calgary, both are away games. Can Seattle keep the winning streak alive, yes is the answer but who will score and who will not?

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A nice little article that gives a brief account of how the Seattle roster is looking this season while pointing out a couple of key players. Perhaps a bit more detail on how the depth is build would be nice. The short overviews of each game are entertaining and to the point by singling out a few factors that contributed to the win in each game


Overall: 8/10

A nice short article covering the roster and recent games, some more info on the roster would be a welcome touch though.

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