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YESSSS it’s happened! The San Diego Marlins have brought back myself in a new role AGM! That’s right you heard that right! General Manger @thadthrasher had made the announcement stating “he’s not the assistant general manger, he’s the assistant to the general manger.” 



He also stated “I think we’re a good fit, were both young good looking funny guys” 


that is right San Diego the General Manger of this popular franchise thinks your assistant General Manger is good looking after the “leaked” imagine that a member that shall not be named for legal reasons posted of the DRIP PIMP PROUT. 



On a good note here I am very pleased to be back. The Marlins gave me a chance on a wavier pickup and drafted my player back the following season. I have a lot of special moments already but there’s still time and room for more! This will be a learning cure for sure and I’ll try my best. I know the previous GM was nothing but one of the best you could get and he’s left some big shoes for Thad and I that we’re going to do our best :) 



thank you for all the messages/ comments and support I’m genuinely thankful to be recognized here in this community. Now it’s time to work and get this team back to winning after a disappointing final season for myself and Ir and the club. I know Thad will be doing his best to be getting this baby back to winning ways! 


Thank you all again and let’s get this started !

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