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Talking About Went'z Knee Again for STZ


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STZ paid good money for this privilege, so I will try and put his money to good use and talk up the cause he chose, which is being a fan of Carson Went'z knee. There is a potential loophole in this arrangement though, as he never clarified which knee he wanted me to be a fan of. What if I choose to be a fan of his healthy knee that he did not tear his ACL on? Anyways, I think our next expansion team should be named the Philadelphia Wentzknees, in honor of yours truly. I could become the GM of this team with STZ as my AGM, and after leading us to a great regular season tear my ACL before the playoffs. STZ then takes over as the GM and wins us the cup. We then decide to release STZ and he goes on to be a bum GM for Davos, and I never regain my same glory. Long story short both Wentz and Foles are playing horrible right now and neither would have been the answer for the Eagles. 



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