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Who is Darryl McDagg?


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The Grit Times Presents...


Who is Darryl McDagg?

Discovering A Powerhouse's Child


Kristopher McDagg was a quiet man, never spoke of much.

Especially when he had a child. He then began to stop focusing on his hockey and decided to shift to the family scene.

Now, McDagg is retired. But is he?


Kristopher, Yes. The McDagg Household, no.

Kristopher had a child named Darryl, and Darryl would go unnoticed by the hockey world. He would be very public an still go unnoticed.

However, Darryl is more determined that his father. Darryl hasn't stopped training since his entire career.

Darryl is hoping to go to Saskatoon just like his father did in the VHLM draft.


Darryl has promised himself he will earn as much as he can each week, and he will never give up on his team.

Darryl has also stated (in a private interview) that the GM @Doomsday has been very helpful to him so far, and he hopes to play for him in the future.


McDagg had no further answers to our questions, so that is all for now.


This was, The Grit Times! We hope you enjoyed this mini-prospect exclusive!


Written by Jared Fogle

Luxury Cell A-13 (Block A - Cell 13)

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