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We've got what I think is a very good team assembled. I had three goals when creating Team Going Great Heidts


1) Have the team be composed of active members that will make this super cup very fun in the locker room.

2) Create a team balanced well between passers and shooters. In this respect, we have more people that pass than any other team in the Super Cup. This means our shooters should have better scoring chances than other teams. Here is the squad.

3) Win the cup



Willem Janssen (lightning25)

Jakub Kjellberg  (Sandro)

Robert Gow III (eaglesfan036)

Chico Salmon (xdpark)

Robin Gow (flyersfan)

Steve Tremblay(Tremblay)

Dexter Morgan (Maxy)

Luke Riggs (Riggs)

Milos Dennis (Tyler)

Lucas Nykvist (Moztaburger)



Slaeter Fjorstrom (sherifflobo)

Andrey Zardov (Tylar)

Koji Yamazaki (Samarui)

Jack Ryan (Keenan)

Willie Weber (inactive)




Mike Longlastname (Mike)

Jose Cansenco (Tim)

Edited by eaglesfan036
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