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Ryan Ryker's road to now


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Ryker’s Road To Right Now

The Draft


It seems like it was just yesterday that the VHL’s Seattle Bears selected Ryan Ryker 43rd overall in the S75 Entry Draft. Going back to that moment, he wasn’t too sure where he was going to be heading. The draft had a lot of strong talent in it, especially when you take a look at all the first gen’s who were looking to emerge as up and coming stars for the Victory Hockey League. However, you could also make the argument that while where he was selected was maybe somewhat fair given all the forms of flags that could pop out, he probably fell quite a ways down the list. At the end of the day, he had nobody else to kick himself down except for him. His agency had been known for producing decent talent but never anything that really jumped out at scouts. While he sat at the draft, it was in his head that at any moment his name would be called and he’d be walking up to the stage, throwing his new teams jersey over his shoulders, shaking his new GM’s hand and wearing the biggest smile on his face. One by one, that moment became more daunting. Then, the Seattle Bears walked up to the stage to announce their selection in the 3rd round at 43rd overall. With the 43rd overall selection in the S75 VHL Entry Draft, the Seattle Bears are proud to select, from the Houston Bulls/Miami Marauders, Right Wing Ryan Ryker. He then proceeded to walk up to the stage, throw on the sweater, shake his new managers hand and sport the biggest smile.


“I didn’t have an idea where I was going to go. I knew there was the option that I could get selected at a higher number than I was selected at, but I also knew there was the chance that I was going to fall. I had a few discussions with teams and I knew there was the chance that I could go here, or there, or maybe even to a different location. It was really a guessing game for me and to be honest, I was a little bit nervous watching the draft virtually at home with my family. You could probably tell a little bit on our camera feed. Each pick that was made had me thinking that maybe it could be me and for 42 picks, it wasn’t. When Seattle called my name, I was very happy. I had very strong talks with Seattle Bears GM Blake Campbell multiple times before the draft and each time we spoke, it made me really want to go to the organization. At times, the organization can come under a bit of fire but being a member of the locker room, speaking with management and players who play here, I feel the only reason it could be for is that the team is so strongly built and so willing to stick together. I know a lot of members who are important to decision making are players that are no longer actually on the team and have retired but come back. It really is a family here and I’m so excited to play my first game and maybe the rest of my career here.”


Living and Loving in Miami


Let’s start this off by saying, how sweet is it that you’re able to be a young kid and that much closer to reaching your dreams and goals? It’s even sweeter that those happen to be playing the game of hockey for potentially some massive bucks. What could possibly be the cherry on top other than actually making it to the big show? Probably playing in Miami. It’s the city of love, sex, parties, sun, beautiful women and basically everything else that is beautiful. You’re finally getting paid a good chunk of money to play hockey, are a young guy and are high on life. Add Miami into the mix and it’s a recipe for something. Fortunately for Miami, it’s been a recipe for success - but we would like to point out it has the potential for quite a different recipe if players fall off the wagon. Ryan Ryker admits to having his fun while playing on the organization. The team would do many different team bonding activities like sightseeing, spending time at the beach or festivals and even admitted to enjoying a bit of the night life. We get his focus should be on hockey, but this is all natural, good development for a young player. It’s teaching him so many different things and will help shape him into a hopefully strong hockey player and person for his future club. 


This happened to be pretty damn true. Houston was a great city for him, but Miami seemed to have things going a little bit better. Not only this, but Ryan Ryker had also been putting in the hours at the gym and the effort physically and mentally to improve himself as a player. He was selected by the Bears organization. He was going to be playing in the Victory Hockey League. He knew how big this opportunity was and he wasn’t going to blow it by being a lazy player. His head was down from the moment he stepped on the ice for the Miami Marauders and he definitely made it his mission to go all out and really show the other organizations scouts that passing up on him may not have been the best of ideas. Ryan Ryker put up 35 goals, 38 assists for73 points through the 72 game schedule. He managed 306 shots being fired towards the other teams goalies and even managed to toss his body around for 213 hits. He was the complete player for the Marauders and VHLM this season. Miami finished 2nd in their conference with a record of 40-29-3. Sadly for him and them, they lost out in 4 fast games in the playoffs. Despite the wheels coming to a quick halt at the end of the season for the team, on a personal level for Ryker, it was a huge success.




       “The season was a good one for me. I was really happy with the way I managed to carry myself all season, how well I performed overall at the end of the season statistically and am happy with my season ending development as well. There were for sure some highs and lows on the season and definitely some things I would have liked to have done a bit better. I told Seattle when they drafted me that they had a steal on their hands. Lately, I know my development has struggled a little bit. Covid-19n has really changed a lot of things in the world and the world in general has been a bit difficult. I’ve been very busy and it’s safe to say maybe even a little distracted. I want them to know that this is going to change and they can expect to see an increase from me. If this season of good play has taught me something, it’s that I’m hungry to become this kind of player that I was in Miami, in Seattle. Hitting the 30 goal mark is always really special. I think so anyway. I don’t know if this is for everyone but I think it’s a pretty big milestone to hit. I also scored a point per game. As you said, it’s unfortunate how the team ended. I wish I could have elevated my game to play a bit bigger, a bit stronger so that the team had better chances to win. You look at the goals I scored in the season and then only getting 3 assists and points in the playoffs was kind of disappointing. Same thing is said about the World Juniors. I really fell flat for Canada. It is tough lessons but I am going to take them for what they are and learn from each lesson.” 


Ryan Ryker is fresh off a hot season in the VHLM and is set to make his debut in the VHL for the Seattle Bears some time this week when things start to get kicked off. He has spoken with team management and understands that his role on the team could be a supporting one and that the clubs directions and main goals are still to be competitive. The Seattle Bears did sell off some of their higher talent this season from youth and draft picks and did happen to have a really strong draft, but this doesn’t mean the path is going to be any easier. The Bears still have their talent on the blue line (which doesn’t affect Ryker) and they still have a strong showing on the first line. Even though they moved Kris Rice, they replaced him with Van Callia who is still a good player. The first line is still very good and with the addition of a couple strong draftee prospects from the most recent draft that happened on Friday, the competition is back on for Ryker and his agency. How he sees it will ultimately determine how he’s going to develop. It could be an anchor that has him sour and holds him back, or, he can use it for fuel and really elevate his game to earn his spot on the roster.


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