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Random media spot below. Don't feel good enough to make something bigger. I'm feeling ill. Yes, that's a valid excuse in my books.


The regular season just passed the half mark and things in Riga aren't that great. 11-23-5 record only gives us a 7th spot in EU conference and bleak chances for the post-season. Davos may stay last knowing their intentions on rebuilding and Malmo may have problems after some deals. However, I'm not sure if I should go hard on established players since we're losing 8 points to Malmo. Our offense is doing decent and Cabe McJake is still more than PPG guys (41 points in 39 games). But we still need some big TPE defenseman to start thinking about further success. Only time will tell if I will find him in this trade deadline.


Chess hype! The S76 tourney has begun and some games were played already. So far I have a 5-0 record, but the most important question is to who I will lose in finals. Maybe it's @TacticalHammer with a 4-0 record? Or @RedSus who is also undefeated so far? I'm still disappointed @Nikdandrea34 didn't show up because I WANT REVENGE ON HIM! So don't you dare to miss the S77 tournament because I will pull you back to this even if you're going inactive!


Other than that, nothing very interesting. Like I said, Gustav got sick and tired of losing with a decent (on paper) roster and decided to start almost from the scratch. Malmo is thinking about some retooling too. Toronto continues to acquire some younger guys, this time it's Gunnar Odinsson who immediately switched to a forward after a trade. Meanwhile, rest of NA teams are staying quiet. Though, there are some rumors that one or two contenders from that conference may have an interesting deals on the table. Trade deadline hype!


Also, I'm noticing that we're experiencing another prospect going inactive. First it was Joe Kelly. Now Vivek Weiner decided to join him and most likely he will become an obscurity real soon until he comes back. It's not like I'm in shambolics, but still it's a shame. Also, an interesting fact:


12th OV - Joe Kelly

32nd OV - Vivek Weiner

42nd OV - Teppo McBighit


These are guys who either went inactive or not consistent enough on earning TPE. Should I start to hate number 2? I hope our pick won't be drawn at second overall if we don't end up in the playoffs. :P


But hey, I grabbed some steals in that draft as well. Eddie Dams at 90, Jared Carter at 87, Matt Sovick at 106. All of them are going to be ready to jump into the big league next season. All of them will beat Thomas Kennedy record as the latest ever pick who made the pros. Though some late pick prospects from other teams are also going to accomplish that, so likely the ultimate record will go to Sovick.


Anyways, I'm about to finish this media. I hope I can be healthy enough to make something better next week. Also, don't shower in morning and immediately go outside when it's freezing cold. I know what I'm talking about.


That's it and I'm out.

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