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Everything posted by GoodLeftUndone

  1. Ya never had enough time to grind more than one league at a time consistently hah thanks to Auto-12 affiliation I can be here now and enjoy a career
  2. Just passed my 9 year anniversary on VHL...I'm currently just finishing my first full career here for a player Crazy to think I've also been over at SBA just as long slaving away in every role possible there at some point.
  3. Moritz Stauffer TPA Recall (2) Recall PA from 50 to 30 please!
  4. I did not claim but I did spend a night with you recently
  5. My actions can be traced back pretty clearly. I RB'd lemorse on N1, admittedly did not do my job N2 (busy day, got home late and forgot to submit an action before going to bed), RB'd Hatty N3 and Adrest N4 Who do you want me to go on tonight?
  6. I think we do truthfully. Seems we've almost eliminated Mafia entirely, plus an arsonist. The game is still going. My guess is one mafia left and some vamps. Chances are vamps have grown to 3 by now, or at least 2 of them if one was offed and forged.
  7. I always find copypasta from a discord channel kind of gamey. That being said, seems very legitimate to me as I don't see woog as the type of person to just forge all this lol
  8. You could be a vamp or evil still but I'm way more sus of woog lol
  9. However, woogs intel isn't exactly convincing. Like, at all.
  10. Adrest was roleblocked last night so that's something to keep in mind.
  11. Yeah I feel like Survivor or Amnesiac would just admit to those roles or at least not fake them by saying they're a VH lol
  12. I probably won't be around when the day phase ends but I feel good with an NSG vote right now.
  13. No but that does not rule out the possibility
  14. Didn't pay them their worth
  15. We have an escort on town side
  16. I was thinking too, obviously Ricer was targeting Dooms as Consort...meaning we can trust Dooms is not Mafia.
  17. This doesn't clear you of anything since there's a Godfather and Mafioso. But I am definitely less suspicious now. Hope you enjoyed your night
  18. Gotta agree here. Vote NSG 4 (Adrest, Alex, Doom, GLU)
  19. Forgot about this tbh It's possible Hatty and Dooms are both Maf and we were extremely lucky N1 to block both of them. It's also possible Mafia was just being quiet on purpose. We should push for a quieter citizen to claim.
  20. Honestly if he's the actual pirate I'm not too concerned right now.
  21. I agree we need to bully a bit here to get a claim. Not convinced lemorse is for sure evil but might as well start somewhere.
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