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Posts posted by BeanSobie

  1. Late last season Oslo Storm rookies Wes Babiy and Evgeny Nezhmetdinov made quite a name for themselves as two of the biggest party animals in the VHLM.  But with his companion’s call up this season Babiy has disappeared from the Oslo bar scene.  After practice he talked about his recent change.



    “I think when you are a rookie and you get to travel to all these different places you want to go out and absorb as much as it as you can.  Last year I roomed with Nez and whenever we would go on a road trip we would always convince each other to go out, so I guess we earned ourselves a bit of a reputation.  We cut it back near the end of the season and I really think it showed in our game.  This season I’ve just been focusing on taking better care of myself, getting a good night sleep is a huge part of that.”

  2. Oslo Storm's top centre has been having a great season on the ice.  But off the ice he likes to wind down by engaging in simulation hockey leagues.  In one such league he left an open letter to his fellow members.


    With the recent departure of Mynk (aka Clardy) I thought it would be fine time to have a little bit of a talk about addiction.  According to PsychologyToday.com "Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol,cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health."  Obviously this is a broad description, but addiction is not a cut and dry issue.  Many people experience some sort of addiction in their life, be it a chemical addiction (e.g., tobacco, pain killers, alcohol) or a psychological addiction (e.g., gaming, shopping, marijuana).    


    I personally deal with a few addictions (tobacco, gaming, and stress eating primarily) that I do not receive help for but I assure you have negatively affected my life over the years.  I have likely flushed over a hundred dollars worth of cigarettes down the toilet, and am still packing a lip while writing this.  With that said I doubt any of you would argue that I have an addiction to tobacco.  But if I were to tell you that I ritually play video games until 4-5 AM on a daily basis I am willing to bet most would comment saying that I have an issue with self control.  


    What does that have to do with Clardy's decision to leave and request to have his IP banned?  In my experience with psychological addictions, I often find that the best way to get over them is to just quit cold turkey.  If I got to a point where the amount of sleep I lost staying up til 5 AM was effecting my life in such a sever manner that I felt the need to end it I would attempt to sell my XBox and PS4 so the temptation was no longer there.  If Clardy recognizes that his use on this site is interfering with his life in such a way that he feels the need to cut ties to all his sim league associations than all the power to him for asking to have that temptation removed and for the administrators of the site to assist him in his attempt to better his life.    


    What we do not need is people reinforcing the stereotype that addiction equals poor will.  One's thoughts and feelings are their own and anyone who attempts to invalidate someone else's feelings is doing a lot more harm to this world than someone who is trying to make their life better.  




    Disclaimer:  I am not a psychologist, nor do I pretend to be.  All opinions stated in this piece are not scientifically backed; just observations mixed with a little bit of experience and a handful of college level psychology classes.

  3. An In-Depth Analysis of Why VHLM LR's Suck

    by BeanSobie


    Because they are on the bottom of the fucking forum.


    Thank you,




    Now to elaborate to the tune of 150 words so that I might gain a single TPE:


    Since joining the site I have wondered what the point is of keeping Locker Rooms at the bottom of the page?  One of the greatest parts of the sim community is just that, that it is a community.  What I enjoyed most about the SHL was getting to know all the people on my team, and the place where we did that best was in our LR.  When I sign onto the SHL and am greeted by that icon telling me someone has posted in the LR it is always the first thing I check and could lead to me spending hours talking to some great people without even venturing to the other parts of the forum.  In contrast, when I sign onto the VHL, scroll all the way to the bottom and see that nothing has happened in there in the three days its been since I've visited the site it really is not giving me a huge incentive to come back day to day.



  4. SO we're good again, or at least should be. Babiy, Nezhmetdinov, Reuel, Super Cock, at forward (Kriz and Hamilton, inactives with at least some TPE, can play in the meantime but I intend to pick up an inactive FA with far more TPE as well as some waiver guys).


    Diamond and Fire at defense, but this will likely be an area I target in a trade to get more guys.


    Clegane and Cola in goal. Obviously I don't need both, one will be dealt and in either one trade or a series of trades, the one that is dealt should end up bolstering defense.

    If we need good defenders, Patrick Brumm is someone who is awesome over on the SHL and should be pretty good over here as well.  Would be a mistake no to target him IMO

  5. ooyXFh8.png



    Babiy and Nezhmetdinov celebrate one of their many goals together


    It can be scary coming into a new league as a rookie, especially when you are joining a team far away from home and with no body you know.  For two teenage VHLMers, Wesley Babiy and Evgeny Nezhmetdinov, that anxiety was quickly replaced by a new friendship.


    The two were fast friends, as they were able to speak to each other with relative ease as they both spoke Russian, albeit with unique dialects that would make any true Russian tilt their head.


    During the final week of training camp the team went to a local beach to partake in a team Iron-Man style event.  The youngsters were given the tail leg of the event, which consisted of mostly sitting on paddle boards waiting for their team to finish the race.  It was a bit chilly on the lake that day so both rookies were wearing t shirts as they waited, but the sun one out either way.


    At the end of the event Babiy and Nez were cooked with some of the worst tan lines their teammates had ever seen; months later when the coach put their numbers next to each other on the lines board one of their teammates quickly joked that the Tan Line has returned.  The name stuck.

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