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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. You guys are quick to remove my gold color
  2. Ayeeeee
  3. 16 gwg for edwin Record anyone?
  4. Shit
  5. Thats better
  6. Lol no what if my decision of stepping down was made not so long ago, I just didn't wait to name my new gm because the occasion was there and I had interest in taking over internally, which isn't a common thing anymore.
  7. No idea. Had to trade valmount immediately I guess
  8. You are well trained
  9. Oh sure
  10. MVP material ? Discuss
  11. Gg riga Damn you and your defensive system
  12. can you play your backup agaimst me next time thanks
  13. Anyway, the blue team knows how I feel about this, I'm just rolling with their own decision.
  14. Well; that's a lot of goals
  15. Eaglesfan knows whats up
  16. Ouch
  17. U mean wonderful, right?
  18. Gg
  19. s42, so not last year. I still have a year remaining
  20. Stockholm is proud to announce that @jack is the new co-gm of the franchise and will officially be name GM of Stockholm at the end of Karnage's career. Therefore, the official transition will be done at the end of S49 or whenever Lord Karnage is traded to another team. Good luck in the GM game @jack
  21. gg
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