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Posts posted by Dangles13

  1. 30 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

    The problem is if the two player system doesn't work it will be something really hard to go back on. I'd imagine people wouldn't react too great to having their players they spent time working on taken away. 

    People will react poorly no matter the outcome.

  2. 27 minutes ago, eaglesfan036 said:

    Do you mean trying to play goalie in OTP? They completely changed the movement system and ruined it imo

    I like it better but it still needs a lot of work. I actually think it was better in the beta as well.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

    That's not what were saying though. We are saying would you hate the guy if he was on your team? As a fan I have no say over him having the job or not. However, I won't shed a tear if he gets injured, cut, waived, concussed or whatever else that is thought as "unfortunate".


    So when you relate that job to the question asked, No I don't have a fibre in my body that would be okay with my team signing scum (no matter who it is). I grew up a Devils fan, been around that organization for a long time and still have "family" involved, if they signed the Devil himself I wouldn't be okay with it. I also hate Brad Marchand because he is scum on the ice, but he is a great guy off the ice so I wouldn't have a problem with it.


    I guess my stance is that if he is helping the team then I'm ok with the player being there even though I don't like him and would prefer him gone. It definitely depends on circumstances though, there is a line for me.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

    I get that and agree, but what if they are found guilty and the league just gives them a slap on the wrist? Greg heady is the biggest example to me. An individual like that who hasn't learnt his lesson doesn't deserve a second chance in a professional atmosphere. That person needs help and not an inflated salary.

    I have no love for Hardy and as far as I'm concerned he shouldn't be free but it's not like you can refuse him the right to hold down a job.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

    Even if that player is a domestic abuser?


    If someone breaks the law and is convicted they are allowed to return to their job after they serve their time and pay their fines. No different with an athlete, everybody gets a second chance in my eyes. I certainly have no time for people like that and my views on that subject are another discussion for a different venue.

  6. I don't see why a member couldn't marry the two thoughts together.




    "Player Name's" music playlist for every successful hockey player:


    Song #1 - This is my favourite song because I really like the way the instruments make sounds and fit together great... blah blah blah..

    Song #2 - Oh man this is my jam yo. I remember when I scored my first goal I had this song stuck in my head and I was singing in for weeks.



    Then you have a random music MS written from the perspective of a player that includes specific VHL moments and still has some relevance but allows a writer creative license to keep them interested.

  7. 20 hours ago, Tixe said:

    Anyone got any plans they've been looking forward to for this weekend?

    I had hockey yesterday so I spent the day drinking beer and eating pizza with the boys before the game.

  8. 2 hours ago, Molholt said:

    Bring back online franchise.


    I haven't played it in forever and I would have to redownload it but if you get something going I could be convinced. I used to play goalie in OTP but it's been too long to risk that lol

    Not if I'm your defenceman. ;)

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