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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. @eaglesfan036 whenever you come back pick @Green can pick
  2. Will set this up tonight if there are any more applicants please hurry @DollarAndADream you want to try, I'll get killed as well but it'll be fun
  3. Jardy - Rhett Degrath Bush - Astrid Moon @Gooningitup
  4. threw up in my mouth a bit
  5. Bushito - Black Velvet Jardy - Tyson Kohler @Eggy216
  6. No goalie no problem, olso G is a boss
  7. If you want to be a part of it let us know and you will be added to the list. Format will come out soon but I wanted the sign up open as quickly as possible.
  8. Teams doing well, hopefully my player can pick it up.
  9. Big win why are these in finances?
  10. @Laflamme @mpclardy @Gooningitup @Bushitroll @JardyB10 @Eggy216 12 hour time limit, please PM the next guy when you pick, Snake draft and the randomizer puts @Laflamme up first @Laflamme F - Dianna Maxwell F - Theo Axelsson F - Sami Zayn D - Bobby Digital D - Fabio Jokinen G - Jacob @mpclardy F - John Locke F - Franchise Cornerstone F - Xander Finn D - Roman Sokolov D - Felix Savard G - Mist4ke @Gooningitup F - Bo Boeser F - Fook Yu F - Phil Shankly D - Titan Kronos D - Pavel Komarov G - Jakab Holik @Bushitroll F - Black Velvet F - Pietro Maximoff F - Kendrick Cole D - Tobias Klingberg D - Lyle Smallwood G - Astrid Moon @JardyB10 F - Tyson Kohler F - Marc-Alexandre Leblanc F - Travis Gownecy D - Lee King Snatch D - Guntis Petenis G - Rhett Degrath @Eggy216 F - Unassisted F - Lukas Muller F - Fred Krigars D - Robert Jelen D - Elijah Doltran G - Apollo Skye
  11. Last group done, this is closed
  12. He was taken the pick before yours @HearnNation67
  13. If I can manage to recruit a goalie we will auto win this season.
  14. @NUCKyou already chose Fabio Jokinen last pick
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