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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Carrison, @Romaris @Esso2264 can both go
  2. Bushito Team formerly Eagles takes F - Jake Davis F - Mark Gebauer D - Paolo Nano D - Alvaro Jokinen @kayfabe is up
  3. @Josh. Harding is a defender now, need a different pick Bush team 1 now F - Rylan Paece F - Vaydar Odinsson D - Marvin Harding Bush team 2 now F - Beau Louth F - Elias Dahlberg D - Alvaro Jokinen @xDParK is up as well
  4. Cmon Helsinki, even Calgary beats these bums
  5. Woooooo, @BladeMaiden fuckin killing it here
  6. Canmore sucks no matter where he plays, TPE doesn't matter for STHS
  7. Johnny is taking F - Elias Dahlberg F - Vaydar Odinsson Still @Rent A McZ
  8. Chase is taken over by me and selects F - Jasper Canmore F - Rylan Peace F - Elias Dahlberg @Snussu
  9. F - Veran Dragomir F - Elias Dahlberg @bluesfan55 x2
  10. Bushito

    HSK/CGY: S65

    This trade talk has been going on since the off-season, not easy to make since we wanted to see how Calgary would do if we kept both this season. Obviously, for our future, this makes sense with the rebuild. We are only in year 2 of the rebuild with Barabash Coming next season and three firsts and three seconds over the next 2 seasons with a great young stable of players. Also, Revy is a UFA next off-season and having him on the team we had the opportunity to talk to him before the trade which was good. We knew we weren't going to be good this season anyway but I can't have Helsinki being lotto after trading their next season first to Davos, Also gives Canmore and Revy a shot at a cup this season. Thanks for the patience @Quik I know this wasn't easy on you.
  11. @Jubo07 you can take your last Dman as well since Poptart only needs 2 Forwards
  12. Weaponx takes Alvaro Jokinen, still @Poptart
  13. This is a VHLM player, unless you meant my other player Stropko Jr, but I wouldn't recommend that, pick someone else
  14. Both of these guys are already taken, you need to choose 2 new players. @McWolf can go as well
  15. Yeah Reapers are super active with experienced members who will help you along and we are winning games. If you need anything don't hesitate to PM me
  16. 7 penalties killed us, can't win games like that
  17. Nice start to the season, too bad my player is shit
  18. Well then see the start of the comment, I will play all 8 against them and they will likely at best win 2 by STHS fuckery
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