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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Tactical Takes Veran Dragomir @johnnyhockey42
  2. Carry on @RunnerBert11 I'll change it in the main thread
  3. Nobody on this site would have taken that as a cry for help or a serious suicidal thought coming from you, especially in the context you posted it in. But yeah get some help man.
  4. If you genuinely want to kill yourself then I am sorry. But truly you are on this site a lot, it may be time to take a step back and ask for some help. Having suicidal thoughts is no joke, I've lost a few friends this way and it is a painful process for everyone involved, especially family.
  5. You asked for it tbh, I just read this shit now and it's constant shit hurling and profanity from you while others are not. If it were up to me you'd have a week off from the site. Conduct yourself better, whether you have a difference of opinion or not, you don't express it that way.
  6. You worked yourself to the point of literally wanting to die on a sim league? Jesus Christ you need friends.
  7. You guys should put one in the player management/Updating area. Good for new people planning builds
  8. Post your player name, team and prefered render if you want a sig @Members
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