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Everything posted by omgitshim

  1. Definitely stronger, though visiting someone adds a bit of danger through ambush and rampage. Generally I support changes that increase player agency. I believe they changed it in game that any Town revealed role cannot be selected at all anyway. Maybe this was one of the things you added for balance, but normally Deputy (and Conjurer) do NOT end the day phase after they kill someone. Prosecutor DOES because it takes over the hang for the day. I haven't really seen much on this tbh; I think the idea is the Bodyguard intercepts the attacker before the attack happens rather than granting defense, but again I don't know for sure. I think it works most similar to like a ToS 1 GA purge. I know it definitely clears dousing at the very least. One thing to note: it does prioritize Town Power roles if multiple roles die at the same time. I mentioned it with Deputy, but Conjuror's ability does NOT end the day phase normally. Arguably allowing it to do so would be too strong since Coven could force skip a full day with it. Ritualist is revealed to EVERYONE if they guess wrong. "Player cast a spell on someone, but it backfired! They must be a Ritualist!" No cooldown. This restriction was removed, at least for All Any modes. I honestly couldn't tell you what the standard role sets even are Note that for Town you must guess the exact role, but for evils you just need to guess their alignment (Neutral Evil, Neutral Killing, Neutral Apoc, or Random Coven). Note that the 2 kills needed to build up Bloodlust can come on the same night. i.e. if you kill your target N1 and also kill a Tavern Keeper who tried to RB you N1, you'd have Bloodlust on N2. I've seen a Shrouded Bodyguard protecting their target by killing themselves (died protecting their target and also from a BG). Trackers went from one of the safer TI claims in ToS 1 to immediately being sus'd as Werewolf and Wildling in ToS 2.
  2. All Horseman see who is plagued or has bread. Yeah if the book holder kills it says "killed by the Coven" or something like that. I assume so? But I haven't seen it in practice. I know there's a message "You have spread pestilence to the player you visited." for visiting with Pestilence. Not sure. The roles are on the wiki but they are incomplete. I'm not sure. That's a sensible rule but does that confirm them? Or if someone fake claims Jailor can they not be targeted too? I assume no too. It wastes it, though the Admirer knows that player is evil and can out them in their will. Will look when I get a chance.
  3. I think they just wanted to make it more distinct from War since before they were both similar flavors of "just Rampage everyone". Why they decided on a more complex Famine for "diversity" idk but here we are.
  4. Plaguebearer/Pestilence Rework Plaguebearer's night priority increased above base priority. This allows PB to visit before most roles in the game and spread plague before other roles visit. This change should increase the rate of plague spreading as well as making it more consistent. Pestilence, Horsemen of the Apocalypse no longer has a direct attack, does not rampage, and does not attack players that visit them. When Pestilence emerges all plague on players will transform into pestilence. When a player visits someone they will spread a stack of pestilence. When a player visits Pestilence they will spread a stack of pestilence onto themselves. When Pestilence visits someone they will add the maximum stacks of pestilence to their target. At 3 stacks of pestilence a player will succumb to pestilence and die. Horsemen cannot have more than 1 stack of pestilence applied to them. Arsonist will now douse the jailor that jails them. (I thought that was already a thing) Werewolf scent tracking messages now indicate which player they are tracking. War is now roleblock immune. War will now attack a Jailor that jails them.
  5. They are patching this game too frequently Soul Collector now has Astral visits. Seer cannot target revealed town roles anymore. Trickster now has unlimited Tricks. Coroner autopsy message will now clearly state the role of the killer they can now check for. (I.e. if they check a corpse that was killed by a member of the Coven, they would know specifically that it was say a Coven Leader or whichever one did the kill). Coroners night ability is not affected by enchantment anymore. (Still affected by Illusionist). Werewolf can now permanently remember the scent of their target on human nights. Once a Werewolf has the scent of a target they will be able to track who their target visits each night. War's immense speed and combat prowess allows him to visit 2 players each night. Shroud will now attack their Shrouded target if that target fails to visit anyone.
  6. This was actually patched out, Retri can't use stoned roles. There was also clarification that Hex Bomb kills everyone no matter what (stronger than unstoppable attack, even the neutral apocs can't defend against it). They also added a ghost town mode: ghosts can still vote! In game this means that the majority to put up for trial counts all living and dead players (so will always be 8 in a full 15 game lobby unless there are DCs).
  7. Another update: Trickster does not get defense when Tricking, so effectively they trade when successfully pulling in an attacker. Retri can use stoned roles! Not sure if it was a bug or not but if they selected an invalid role it would pop up the message "<Role> does not have an ability that can be used." If it is a useable role it doesn't say what it is but when you target someone it gives the "You decided to have your zombie <action> <target> tonight." (i.e. investigate, guard, etc.). Since that would be a pain to mod, I'd probably say that at night Retri learns the roles of stoned players? -patched out • All horsemen now see plagued player effects • All horsemen now see who has bread
  8. I tried Hatty
  9. @Doomsday @Subject056 you down for Jester roulette?
  10. Ok Vote Hatty
  11. PM can visit other Coven!
  12. I'm betting Hatty is the Necro. He tried to fake a Doctor claim but let it go once the PM died. Bet he was hoping to rely on them to fill in the gaps.
  13. Patch update: • Trickster Reworked • Trickster may visit a player at night and play a trick on them, taunting that player into attacking them if able • If a Trickster is attacked by a player they taunted, the Trickster will counter-attack with a Powerful Attack • While a Trickster is tricking someone they will appear suspicious to the Sheriff • Trickster is now roleblock immune • Retributionist/Necromancer updated to now be able to reanimate a Trickster • Witch is now Taunt immune • Executioner will now visit their target the night they choose them • Executioner must now choose a target on night 1 and cannot change targets unless their target dies • Executioner can use their new special ability to choose a priority target for Torment • Wildling Reworked - Now sees who their target visits and who visits their target. Can also overhear whispers. • Spy can now also detect plague • Spy bugs now persist until triggered • When a player that is silenced goes on trial their text will be replaced with "..." one time • Same applies to a silenced prosecutor and silenced prosecutee • Jailor now deals a Powerful Attack (this only affects Admirer care protecting players in jail)
  14. Which Coven is she?
  15. Woog is trying to act like a esterjay, but I'm not buying it. Vote Woog
  16. I don't think it's an excuse more so than a reason, but his defense of "yeah I haven't really done anything" doesn't make me want to take the vote off him.
  17. What even does this mean I legit didn't realize @Spartan was even in the game. Can we get a claim? VOTE SPARTAN (4): Ptyrell, Dooms, Woog, omg
  18. Not necessarily. While Poisoner is still alive Doc staying hidden is useful.
  19. Do you think Hatty is Jest then and the real Doc is staying hidden? No one so far, the only dead Town prior to today was Transporter. Have plenty to work with now though. @eaglesfan036 would be able to confirm I'm not Necro if he's really Sheriff.
  20. N2, the night Hatty was supposedly controlled. Ptyrell claimed poisoned N1, Hatty said he was Doc, Ptyrell didn't die. So unless there's some 3D Mafia Hypno chess going on, it's confirmed.
  21. Vote Adrest Unless someone else can claim the heal on Ptyrell, I'm gonna side with the Doc.
  22. Retri
  23. Well it's a direct 1f1 between you and Hatty then. If Hatty was controlled N2, then who healed Ptyrell?
  24. Who did you check, Adv?
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